Elsa watched as Alex performed his little trick with the black smoke turning into dust, making the stuff into spikes and killing the immediate monsters around that area. She looked at him a bit surprised that he was able to do that. "That...is a useful skill. Remind me to not get on your bad side if I can avoid it." She said in a slight teasing manner for sooner or later, she always got on someone's bad side. It was usually the blunt way in her speaking. She wondered what it would be. "Never a dull moment, although this out brake of monsters is odd. In the many years I've lived here they've never been that organized. So maybe they were ordered to in some way. Probably mental as the monsters would communicate. Or refused to. Either way, it has to be a person with the ability to get into any mind and tell it what to do. Possibly hundreds of them." She theorized, never having met such a person or having seen such an ability, but then again, as stated she didn't leave this forest unless she absolutely had to. So, to her, anything could be possible.