Takeshi had no idea what he was supposed to do right now. Shu was changing, T'charrl was rampant and this other kid was trying to kill himself. Overwhelmed by it all he did the only thing he could readily take care off, sparing the Saiyan from killing himself. Now that he had the other boy restrained though Shu was on his own, and his brief attempt at covering up his transformation hadn't done any good. Seeing his brother began to change the older boy watched on nervously, rather uneasy he was going to have to fend off both his brother and friend now. One of them alone would be a handful, if both went after this kid then he was probably going to end up worse for wear after it all. In a strange turn of events T'charrl turned on Shu, and for a moment Takeshi thought his brother might now be the focus of an attack. To his surprise he watched as Shu's energy was first tapered off then slowly sapped, robbing him of the power needed to go through with his transformation. That couldn't be good, as if T'charrl needed even more power. Right... Now what was he supposed to do? Shu's change had been halted, and T'charrl had since collapsed. The kid beneath him had long since given up struggling, looking utterly forlorn and upset. At least he wasn't an issue any longer, though just to be safe Takeshi lifted a hand, quickly chopping the back of his neck and knocking the kid out. Easing him onto the ground he picked himself up, going over to his tipsy brother and supporting him in his arms. "You and that form of yours... I swear..." Takeshi mused, smiling slightly as he shook his head. Figuring Shu was okay for the time being as well he eased his brother down to a sitting position, ruffling his hair gently and at last turning his focus back to T'charrl. The poor guy looked really out of it, and probably was having a hell of a time controlling all of that power. Two down... One to go. Only with T'charrl he really was out of ideas, how was he supposed to help something like this? "We really need to sort this out..." Standing above T'charrl he did his best not to back away, still rather unsettled over his appearance. Takeshi had to repeatedly tell himself it was his friend, and no matter how he looked it was going to be fine. Boy was it hard though, getting this close to a giant insectoid. Exhaling deeply he finally squatted down before his friend, smiling uneasily as he hoped to talk the Kaesstrian down from this. "T'charrl...? Hey, I know you can hear me, look at me." When he did Takeshi flinched slightly, still pretty bothered by his appearance. "That kid isn't going to hurt you anymore, and Shu is safe, so you gotta change back. Just uh... Well..." he paused, rubbing at the back of his neck, "I don't know how really. Your mom isn't here to help, so... Yeah..." If it was like a Saiyan transformation all T'charrl had to do was use enough energy that he couldn't sustain this form, so maybe some random blasting would do it? "Try getting rid of some energy, that might help?"