Name: Maraketh [hider=picture] [img=] [/hider] Pantheon: Skipping in lieu of information Pantheon Head: Maraketh Nation: Arelia Location: E5 Landscape: The land of Arelia lays in a valley rife with natural resources. To the east is a lush forest, to the west a mountain, to the north a lake and to the south fertile lands. It is the ideal place to start building a shining city. Personality: I honestly don't know yet, give me time on this one Legend: [hider=Legend] Long before man first walked the earth, the universe was in turmoil. Two eternal beings, Order and Chaos, battled over the unshaped Existence. Chaos was eventually defeated, but both beings were wounded, and Order could not exert his will as he was. Seeking to lessen the burden on his body, he shaped parts of himself into smaller beings that would shape the worlds for him. From his left arm, he created Phoros, god of the Earth, to shape the Existence into planets. From his right arm, he created Pheris, goddess of Agriculture and Water, to give these new planets life. From his right leg, he gave birth to Lutfera, goddess of Travel, who watched over every journey, be it the first steps of a newborn, or the warpath of an army. From the left leg, Lern, god of the Sky, who moves the winds and calls down thunder and lightning. From his heart he molded mankind, so as they might know of both his hatred and his compassion. From his head, Maraketh was formed, god of Life, Death and Knowledge, He who gives us a reason to build, create and live, instead of wasting away. [/hider] Title: God of Life, Death, and Knowledge Entitled Powers: Maraketh can create Artificial Life (Golems) to do his bidding, and can also imbue those golems with Artificial Souls (or if there's reason, real souls from the recently deceased.) Artificial Souls can give the Golems a personality of their own, instead of just being mindless cattle, but he can only hold so many at a time. Gained Powers: Misc: He currently holds 5 different Artificial Souls. The Knight, the Scout, the Scholar, the Behemoth, and the Archer. Each has it's own personality and unique skill set. [hider=Knight] [img=] The Knight soul is an expert at Martial combat (In fact combat and strategy seems to be his entire palette of conversation). He knows how to use nearly any weapon of war with skill, but his preferred weapon is a shield and long sword. His bodies tend to incorporate pieces of metal as armor, even if they weren't formed with them originally. [/hider] [hider=Scout] [img=] A quick witted master of stealth and observation, The Scout is most at home deep inside enemy territory, hidden in the shadows. He is a master of knife throwing and movement, often escaping over rooftops from city guards. One of the few Artificial souls that can maintain it's own body, allowing it to spend weeks at a time far away from Maraketh. His body, though made of earth and stone, is lighter than most mortals. [/hider] [hider=Scholar] [img=] The most intelligent of the Artificial Souls, and possibly even more so than Maraketh himself, The Scholar prefers to solve his problems with words rather than violence. While nearly useless in combat, the Scholar (among other things) serves as Maraketh's representative on diplomatic missions. Along with maintaining his own body on missions such as this, the Scholar has the ability to command lesser golems himself. [/hider] [hider=Behemoth] [img=] The Behemoth is just as it says, a brute of a personality almost as mindless as lesser golems. Unlike lesser golems, the Behemoth has a strength far more massive than any mortal, making it more accurate to refer to him as a siege weapon than a personality. His body is always made of compressed stone and metal. Behemoth is unique in that his Soul doesn't match his body. When in his pure form, he is not only smaller but also intelligent, able to carry a conversation with Scholar (This was told to Maraketh by Scholar himself, since Maraketh cannot see or hear them in soul form.) [/hider] [hider=Archer] [img=] The Archer has a sharp mind and a sharper aim. He can create arrows from raw materials, which he can then fire with pinpoint accuracy from half a mile away. He prefers to inhabit a wooden puppet than a stone statue, and creates the most human like bodies of Maraketh's collection, down to facial expressions and hair. For this reason, he is often seen walking beside Maraketh. [/hider] He carries a leather bound tome on a strap around his shoulders, which he can sometimes be seen reading from.