[b]Regiment Compound[/b] [i][u]Somewhere in California[/u][/i] --- Lupa smiles at the blonde werewolf's reassuring words, but it was a gentle smile. [i]That's right[/i], she thinks to herself. [i]I'm not alone anymore[/i]. So, after quickly shedding her clothing onto the ground, she transforms. Compared to Ruri's transformation, Lupa's was on a completely different level. For Ruri, there had been a visible process to changing forms, much like she was actually physically forcing her body to change to that of a wolf. But Lupa was different. For her, the change was effortless, seamless even. She was not turning into a wolf...she was always a wolf, she was just finally letting it run free. Black fur explodes from her body instantaneously, covering every inch of her skin in a thick, glossy coat. She towers over Ruri and Dranger, fierce claws glistening in the afternoon sunlight. It wasn't her physical transformation that was most imposing, however. Her aura of power, which had already seemed so potent even in her human form, was now nearly overwhelming. This was the presence of an Alpha Werewolf, one who had survived and won more battles than you could count. [i]"It's good to be back in my old form."[/i] When Lupa speaks, it's in a low, powerful voice, with a playful look in her eyes as she glances back at Lupa. She takes a brief moment to pick up a strap from her clothing, tying the rest of her clothes to that and wrapping it around her shoulder. Then, without voicing her intent, Lupa runs, and Ruri would certainly follow. The world was alight with scents, sights and sounds, particularly those of the younger werewolf accompanying Lupa. Together, they ran through the wilderness without a care, chasing one another almost playfully through the wilderness. Lupa was clearly the faster of the two, but she had no interest in running ahead. For a while, Lupa was happy. Soon, they would inevitably reach the compound. Perhaps they took longer than they should, but such an opportunity to play didn't come often to Lupa. Reluctantly, she transforms back into her human form just outside of the compound, entering through the front gate after a momentary problem of forgetting to dress. She walks towards where she knew the others were, having smelled them from quite a distance. So, when she approached the Main Building and greeted Carson, she couldn't help but shoot an expression of distaste towards the entrance- [i]"I have arrived, Carson. No human saw us transform, unless you count the guard at the gate. Shall I follow the bloodsucker inside?"[/i]