Serina kept up with Joras, her steps shorter but placed fast enough to keep pace. When he asked her if she was Dalish, she merely nodded; she wasn’t winded from the walking, but the movement was an easier response. The description of the Teyrn was enlightening, not just the history of the man but also the cultural mentions with it. Her slight nods told of an actual interest in his words. The Dalish were not unaffected by the Orlesian occupation but they had not allied with the Fereldan forces at the time. They came to the adjoinment of the bridge and the general encampment. Her eyes were drawn to the mages channeling near the bridge. They stood, arms and staves failing almost madly, in a circle pulsing with arcane energy. It was neither heavy nor oppressive, but it was noticeable to those with the ability to feel it. Her mouth opened to ask a question to what Joras had said last about the Teyrn as the pair came upon the sight of something strange yet incredibly intriguing to the elf - a golem. Her brown eyes were wide, mouth parted, and head cocked as she felt familiar energy exuding from the construct. She knew nature magic; it was the specialty of her People. She ignored Joras’s outburst and stepped closer in contrast to his reaction, the bird upon her squawking in protest. Had her mind not been so meddled, she would not have approached the peculiar brute. It did not move in a threatening manner after his initial outburst. The display of prospering vegetal matter made her smile as she observed. The moment was peaceful for all of a second, before, coming barreling from origin point unknown undoubtedly in reaction to the burst of magic, Margot accosted the human beside Serina. The half elf sighed, as though the situation tired her, and turned away from the other mage as she tried to make a grown man feel contrite. Instead, she took another few steps forward, feeling the gentle caresses of grass and leaves on her naked ankles. Quietly, most likely unheard by either humans near her, she asked the humanoid, “Are you… Are you alright?” Its scream suggested humanity, and in Serina’s current mental state that meant it could understand her. She peered at its upraised head as she awaited a response, the owl on her shoulder ruffling its feathers in a huff.