"You do realize you said the part about picking your nose out loud, right?" Katsu followed her up the stairs and into the room, still carrying the package close to his chest, pressured by his hand. "Cool to see that you know about Greek Mythology though." He sighed and looked around, seeing that no one else was there. "We're late, huh?" The boy raised both of his arms, stretching, holding onto the package by the string with his right hand. "I need to get back in shape a bit," he said. "I'll be in the training room, okay? If you find yourself with nothing else to do, feel free to join me." He walked towards the training field with a slow pace, humming a melody many people knew but probably wouldn't be able to name. When he reached the training room and set the package on one of the chairs, he took his jacket off, revealing a tight black shirt underneath and a couple of small scars on his arms. He walked over to one of the wooden training staffs he used for sparring and waited for a bit, looking at the door to see if anyone was coming.