[hider=Who am I?]Name: Reki Akagami Age: 15 Gender: Female[/hider] --- [hider= Do you know me?] Appearance: [img=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/623906-bigthumbnail.jpg] Personality: Reki's is a fairly shy person, refraining herself from being in the spot light as she dislikes the attention of having people look at her for various reasons. Her shyness gets the most of her most of the time as when she makes a agreement to do something, she usually backs out unless forced to go. But, she doesn't mind as being around people who she is close with. But there are times when Reki's shyness gets in the way of her training as sometimes she avoids people and solos by herself dangerously, as she doesnt want anyone to be with her when she does make a mistake, or she's afraid that she will drag other people down because of her age and skill. Her shyness is sadly something she has to deal with everyday as she will be put under pressure with the anxiety of trying to avoid people, so when she can she tries to enjoy the littlest moments of happiness that are available to her. But besides her shy personality, when she isn't paying attention and everyone is looking at her, its mainly because of the fact that she is talented with drawing with precision and detail of some items from far away that impresses her peers. Amazed with her eye sight people obviously swarmed to her, asking her variety of questions, but to her this was torture as people all stared at her. They all seemed to wanted something of her, and she would not allow it, as then she became recluse once more but every once in a while she will open up for something special. But now she has to struggle through this... it wouldn't be too hard, would it? History: Being raised in a family with a history of being part of the military forces, had Reki trained at a young age to follow her mother and father. Her two parents trained her on the Sniper Rifle, a weapon she was a natural at. With their constant hand guiding her along, Soon she shot, without the guidance of her parents and often tried to see if she could of hone her skills more. Her skills as being a sniper was enough to be a threat to other humans, but with mechas the best she can do would try to pierce the armor of the mecha if the shields are down and her mecha is down. Also due to her strange upbringing, Reki preferred to avoid people as a young child as she was always preoccupied of learning about guns instead of socializing much with kids. But, also during her upbringing, unknown to her parents she would ways watch them fight, inside their mechas when they thought that the two were alone, and that she was asleep. Her observation of them for many years also taught her the basics of piloting a mecha, and how to operate in tricky situations. But, her skills would have to be tested, for she had never really tested it out on a really mecha, and her parents had given her a chance to she might as well do it, and left for the Academy [/hider] --- [hider=Oh, meet my friend] Mechanical Frame: [img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs40/f/2009/033/d/d/More_Rogue_Poses_by_DevilDalek.jpg] Starting out with the default UEG, but after some convincing talk to her family, she was enable to get an allowance of their stash of money they made. Despite, barely making a dent in their money, Aryia had heavy modified her UEG to suit her stealthy and shy personality. The frame of her UEG had changed slightly to before less bulky and slimmed down to become slightly more agile than the other bulky UEGS. The agileness of her UEG will also be useful to escape from tricky situation, with the combination of the Sonic Thrusters. --- Weaponry: Advance Targeting Systems- Reki having her Mecha installed with this system allows her to use her scope, while this to help improve her aim that might be tricky to shoot. This system also helps with the accuracy of projectiles ejected, to more likely hit their targets. This system can also predict basic enemy movement, as long as they dont go all crazy on it. Advance Sensor Systems- Reki too with the targeting systems, installed Sensor systems to find out the area around her, when she went with herself to go scoping. With this she could scan enemies Mechs and find out how many their are. This Sensor system can also identify heat signatures too, so it quite difficult to hide from this mecha. Thermal Cloaking System V2- Her Cloaking system is a highly advance one, that bends light around Reki's Mecha and basically 'stealths' her. With also built in Thermal Damping this Mech does not give off a heat signature also. With the newer version this cloaking system, the stealth can withstand moving slightly or taking a shot, and dissipate about after 5-6 seconds later. Sonic Thrusters- With build in thrusters like these, the speed of this Mech in a single burst, is quite fast allowing him to accelerate to safety, but this boost in super speed is only temperately and consumes up a lot of energy from the mech. While in passive mode, these thrusters are only at 1/5 of their power, draining as little energy as possible. Armor & Shields- The armor of this Mecha is fairly light and cant withstand much damage, and is fragile. It is best to leaving this Mecha out of large fights and It cannot deal with direct confrontation with this kind of armor. The shields of this Mecha are fairly standard, and can withstand a light beating but, a barrage of strong attacks will no doubt destroy this shield in several seconds. So, its best not being caught out with this Mecha as its defenses are quite poor. High Powered Plasma Sniper Rifle- This sniper rifle on its own has a 40x scope at its maximum and that is quite impressive, but it can also decrease its scope to 20x at the smallest. Its Accuracy is amazing, as the different type of scopes this weapon has increases it usefulness. This Rifle also has another mode to it that can use twice the ammo to strengthen a shot. Energy Pistol w/ Scope- This pistol is not that useful as its a pistol with a adjustable scope of 2x to 5x, but it has a useful ability. With its energy shots, it could at most break through the weakest of shields. This Pistol's useful ability is that it has a mode, where this gun shoots out a small cord, with a sharp end to it that can pierce through armor, except for the heaviest of them. The cord then can be electrified, and if it pierces the armor then the mecha is shocked, but the shock is simply a distraction at most makes the mecha a bit harder to move or steer. [/hider]