Can’t believe I forgot appearance for a character sheet. Oh well. [hider=Work]That’s a lot of gods. Feel free to put some away for later. Anyways since I didn’t make the grid clear, I’ll place you at B3. If you don’t want any landscape in particular, I’ll make it up when I make the grid. *The whole ‘can make anyone/anything’ phrase in a lot of the abilities is against the point of deities getting stronger. You don’t have to edit it, just understand that they’ll be weaker the less favor is invested in the god. Their abilities will still be stronger inside your city. *Ne-mict’s ability to control the sun is denied, at least for now. He can still have some light manipulation though. *Wishgic can only turn other animals into ponies/horses, and their size doesn’t change. Please confirm you read this by making a post of how your initial 1500 favor is spread out between your different gods and your city.[/hider] [hider=ActRaiser]A note that you didn’t pick a location on the grid, or a description of your city landscape. *Keep in mind, especially with Tyranus, abilities will not be all powerful at the start. If I see you abuse them, you’ll get one warning before I just directly rewrite them to an appropriate level. Other than that, everything set up really well. Please confirm you’ve read this by telling me which location you would like on the grid (A1-J10). Additionally, please list the faith distribution (1,500 to start) of your gods and city. You can post a city landscape as well, but if you don’t I’ll just make one up.[/hider] [hider=rocketrobie]Looks fine, though you didn’t pick a grid location. Please confirm you’ve read this by posting a city location (A1-J10) as well as how your initial 1,500 faith is distributed between the city and your god.[/hider] [hider=Maraketh]Everything looks fine, though you may want to describe what each golem can do. Also, E5, E6, F5, and F6 are all the ‘center.’ :p Please confirm you’ve read this by distributing your initial 1,500 faith between your god and city. [/hider] [hider=Erodios]Sorry for making the grid hard to understand. Unless you care otherwise, I’ll put G4 as your location. *For Petrya, remember the scale of her powers depends on the Faith invested in her. Additionally, remove the gained powers. The point of them is that they’re gained during the RP. *The same goes for Besetno. The effectiveness of his invulnerability scales with his faith. Everything else is fine. Please confirm you’ve read this by picking a location on the grid (A1-J10), as well as putting the distribution between gods and city of your initial 1,500 faith.[/hider] I'll wait for everyone to post their response, then work in all of the informational stuff into the second post of this thread. That should give time for some more people to join. I'll be happy to answer any questions or consider any suggestions.