[quote=Daemyn Sterk] Sabin uneasily slid his pistol back into its holster, still weary of this computerized Mr. House and missing his obvious insult. Robots, mutants, no matter what they were called, they were a threat to humanity and could not be trusted. He swore to himself that he wouldn't let himself fall for any of their tricks, the NCR had trusted him with a lot here, he realized. ... No, that couldn't be it, this was obviously an important mission and it's outcome would mean a lot for the NCR. The idea that he was doing something important for the NCR made him proud. He'd have to stay vigilant and make sure that nothing gets past him. The NCR could use these railroad things, and if they were planned as weapons against the NCR, Sabin would be there to stop them.At the words "I wouldn't mind killing either one", Sabin's ears perked up. Did he just threaten to kill members of the NCR military? Who did he think he was? Immediately stomping over to the man, Sabin went up close and stuck his finger in the man's face. "You won't touch any NCR soldiers, ya hear? You ain't nothin', and you wouldn' stand a chance against even the rookiest of soldiers, you're nothing! If you continue to make threats on the New California Republic, I won't hesitate to shoot you righ' 'ere and now, ya got it?" No one would be hurting any NCR soldiers, not with Sabin on the case. [/quote] "Heh' I didn't mean to offend the NCR nor Brotherhood banner , but this "contract" one could say will turn alot of eyes and ears up everywhere. Sure Mr.House runs the Hoover Dam but the thing is , building a cross American Railine in some people's eyes is a great asset. The NCR would want to it expand there operations. The BoS would probably want to as well to expand there operations but to reap the tech. I respect the NCR and BoS but at the end of the day there on the same train to get this line. I understand that ya' looking for the greater good and all' but there's often a few bad egg's here and there, that want to take all the credit. All I'm saying is these groups are gunna' be vying for the track and power, and let's face it, who wouldn't want a track that allows you to travel across America in a matter of hours?"