Name: Silus Illroy Gender: Male Age: 17 Clubs/Occupation: Has not found a club he wants to join, nor does he understand the need for one. Personality: Silus is usually very sure of himself, confident and outspoken; though this side of him is now rather hidden due to him still not having the greatest grasp on the Japanese language. He is often found off by himself, reading or attempting to get a greater grasp of the language of the country he now lives in. He is always holding his tongue now to ensure he doesn’t screw up the language and despite his two months in the country already. History: Silus was born in London, England. He was always surrounded by men in suits and women that weren’t his mother raising him. He always felt detached from the world and was always wondering about his father’s apartment, looking for something to do. He was always intended to be raised to become his father heir, to take over the family business…in other words forcibly taking over companies that were struggling. He came to realize that this was his fate and just accepted it. Until…his father passed away. Now taken in by one of his father’s business associates in japan…Silus is set upon making something of himself that isn’t in his fathers shadow. Appearance: [hider=Silus][img] [/img][/hider] Weapon: Fencing Foil [Hider=Tam Lin][img] [/img][/hider] ~Name: Tam Lin ~Arcana: Sun ~Drain: - ~Weak: Darkness, Ice ~Null: Light ~Reflect: ~Resist: ~Skills: Mazio, Power Charge, AutoMaraku, Gale Slash.