Takeshi watched with no small degree of nervousness as T'charrl tried to move about. Their friend was very clearly struggling, with what he didn't quite know. The orbs on his body were shining incredibly brightly at this point, had he actually absorbed so much energy he was immobilized by it? This entire situation had just gone all bad and weird, he was beside himself and totally lost as to what to do. He tried to speak to their friend but his words evidently fell on deaf ears. Takeshi was still much too hesitant to even try touching the Kaesstrian, and the guy's appearance kind of freaked him out a bit. Smiling uneasily he rested his arms on his knees, wondering how to fix this. If the orbs were causing it then maybe they could release the energy somehow...? He had wondered what might happen if they broke an orb before, maybe that was the solution now. The chance to try anything was quickly brought to a halt when T'charrl began to act strange. After struggling to get up he hissed before freezing up entirely. Watching worriedly Takeshi's eyes went directly to the orbs as they shone even brighter, picking up a massive surge in energy. Expecting a sudden blast he raised his arms to protect his face, closing his eyes as the area was enveloped in a blinding light. After a few seconds of clearly not being blown to smithereens he slowly lowered his arms, looking at T'charrl puzzled. Their friend was still in the same position, seemingly frozen. What's more, Takeshi became acutely aware of the environment around them, and the distinct lack of color. How in the world was that possible? Everything was sapped of its life it seemed, all various shades of white, gray and black. Glancing up at the sky he was shocked to see unmoving clouds, now really lost. A quick look around and he found both Shu and the other kid to be still fine, yet T'charrl was frozen in place. The lack of color paled in comparison to what else had changed, and that was the addition of what seemed like ghosts. Dozens of ethereal figures floated to and fro, moving about aimlessly in this colorless prison of theirs. Takeshi wasn't afraid of ghosts, but damn this was creepy. When one passed right in front of him he yelped softly, falling onto his backside and watching warily as it floated on by without a bit of recognition on his part. Exhaling in relief he glanced back at T'charrl again, wondering if he was aware of all of this. Getting on his hands and knees the Saiyan moved closer hesitantly, reaching out to tap his friend's face to try and rouse him. A pale light shone from the Kaesstrian right in front of where Takeshi was, making him double back quickly. Watching in silent amazement as it took shape he was astonished that something similar to their friend appeared, and it seemed to be aware of what was going on. Exchanging a glance with the strange being he watched it quickly retreat behind T'charrl, really not sure what was going on. Smiling uneasily Takeshi sat on his backside, crossing his legs as he waved slightly. "Uh... Hi there little guy... I won't hurt you. Uh... Are you T'charrl...?" Maybe he was having some out of body experience or something, weird....