The gathered crowd was impressive at first glance. Jacob's analytical temperament took over as everyone socialized, the whole group was unique and for lack of a better term, special in their own ways. As the amassed gathering clustered around the large vid-screen in the center of the room, Jacob stayed back awaiting the briefing. He'd expected a big job, to be apart of something wildly important. Hell, he didn't even know if there'd be an application or interview process. Mr. House worked in mysterious ways. As the briefing took place, his eyes glued onto the still eyes of Mr. House on the vid-screen. It looked like they were repairing a national trolley line running from the west to east coast in three different routes. An important task, indeed. As the questions were asked and the technology behind it explained, Jacob merely payed enough attention to understand his role in all this. He'd be there as the handyman essentially, a good shot if needed. He wasn't a fan of killing, distracting perhaps, but killing was something done out of necessity [i]only[/i]. Some things were justified more than others in his mind, and he understood that someone on the other end of his rifle could be just another person following orders. Than as the whole NCR-Brotherhood debacle turned up, he rolled his eyes. After Javier was done talking, Jacob spoke up. "This is bound to become the biggest power struggle the wastes will ever see. There's going to be an all out war all across the country, heh, should say i'm damn excited to be caught up in the middle of it." After taking in another deep inhale of his cigarette, he walked over to an ashtray on a nearby nightstand and put it out. With a smooth exhale, he snapped back to Mr. House, casually glancing over to Mr. Tenpenny as well. "Is there going to be some sort of assurance that this newfound technology will be used beneficially for the future of the wasteland or is it going to be exploited like any other business venture in this beautiful city? Can't say I care either way, what i'm trying to get at is...will I ever see my hometown glow like this place?"