Name: Elise Krews (Real name: Elizabeth) Age: 18 Gender: Female Apperance: Elise has a height of around 5'9'' with a slender and thin build. She's often misread because of her skinny appearance therefore assumed delicate, or innocent. However she's far from both. With fierce grey eyes as cold and glacial as a snowstorm and long, silky dark brown hair that frames her round face, Elise hides the fact that she is fully capable of committing numerous felonies. She has soft, ivory colored skin as smooth as milk, round, high cheekbones and sharp facial features. Personality: Elise is a girl as silent as night, keeping to herself when necessary but will put out a few words here and there. She will join in on conversations in order to gather more information, mainly for personal gain. She's known for a toxic personality, rude, selfish and cruel. Having her warm up to someone is a long and painful process, one most avoid. Animal: Polar Bear Bio: Born as an only child into a small and broken family, Elise had an arguably ordinary life. Her birth name was Elizabeth Kylie Krews, a mouthful that she enjoyed repeating over and over. She attended classes, did her homework, assignments and worked hard to do good in school. That was until she turned 10. On the exact date of her birthday, her sweet, loving father died in a car accident when returning from work. Her mother collapsed into a state of trauma and shock and became distant from her daughter. Gradually she started drinking to numb the shock and became an alcoholic, asleep half of the time and wasting their savings on booze. As a young girl, Elise was mortified. She was never the same after his death and locked herself away every year her birthday came around in fear that someone else would get hurt. At the age of 15 she had completely lost control of her life. She'd begun skipping school, trying drugs and stealing . A variety of cusses found themselves in her vocabulary and eventually increased to the point that they escaped from her lips almost every second sentence. She soon changed her name to the simple sounding: Elise Krews. Elise grew up to become a delinquent. A thief, stealing cars, money, liquor and various items from stores. She hid guns under her pillows and shunned everyone out of her life till it came to a point where she believed that she could only trust herself. Her last theft was a large casino, where she stole an extremely expensive car and a large amount of cash with a rounded accumulative of $500,000. Elise was finally caught a week after the act, and given the option of participating in the experiment or going to jail. She chose the experiment in the blink of an eye. Hi, I'm new here ^^