(this is the real first post ¬¬) Tessa twitched a little despite her best efforts. She had been locked in the dungeons for the past three days and the last time she had seen a living person was about six hours ago, when a guard came to inform her she was scheduled to be executed the coming morning. Not something she was too enthused about. After raging for long moments, she tested the small barred window for weaknesses, but the iron bars seemed to be perfectly secured, likewise, the door to her cell was impossible to break down. Specially for her, she wasn't particularly strong. She was a cleric and a healer, not built for the front lines at all. With a defeated sigh she sat down and began to meditate. That was two hours ago, in about eight more hours she was going to be lead to the gallows and she still had no idea of how to get out of there. Just then she heard footsteps echoing throughout the corridor, and they seemed to be approaching her cell. Tessa hoped whoever it was was a friendly soul. She was already tired of the sneers some of the guards directed at her. As if she was a common criminal, which she wasn't. All she had done was apparently see something the high lord didn't wish her to see. Worse still, she didn't know what it meant. But maybe, just maybe, if she managed to get out of there, she could find answers in Engels' capital. Someone there would be able to tell her what the black book she had accidentally stumbled upon when she got lost in the lord's small castle. It had been the first time she had been requested to go there, being fresh out of her apprenticeship, she hadn't intended to discover anything. But, judging by the reaction, it was both important and dangerous. Nothing safe had such a dark aura surrounding it. The door to her cell opened, and she absently wondered if she had miscalculated and the time for her execution had arrived. She opened her eyes when the footsteps retreated as suddenly as they had arrived. She stood hurriedly, her legs feeling a little numb after being in the same position for so many hours, and went to the door. Cautiously, she peered outside. The hallways were empty, not a trace of the guards around. Thanking the gods for such a stroke of luck she left her cell, and, as fast as she possibly could while still being silent, she hurried out of the dungeon. She needed to find a way to reach the northern border and reach Engels' capital. The high priest of her order would surely listen and have some advice for her. She hoped the hallways of the fortress were as empty as those of the dungeons. Silently, she thanked her mysterious benefactor and vowed to herself that she would, once she found who it was, pay them back in anyway she could. Trembling with anticipation, she stepped out of the dungeons.