Kiddo sat at his desk watching as the other kids talk and talk. He couldn't keep up. Kiddo watched as a girl rushed out of the class room saying she was in the wrong class. [i] Man, she must be embarrassed. I feel sorry for her.[/i] Kiddo thought to him self as the kids stopped talking for a minute to watch the girl run out of the room and down the hall. But, as soon as that minute he noticed the teacher was in the class room. He thought about asking her a question but decided against it. He just watched as Lorenzo asked her a question. Kiddo didn't hear her answer because of how far back he was sitting in the room. The teacher said a couple more things then Lorenzo talked a little more to her about classes or something, Kiddo still couldn't hear them very well. [i]Maybe I should have sat closer to the front of the room. But, any way. I'll just try my best to hear what she's saying.[/i] Thought Kiddo as the teacher began the class.