Ze the 25000 year old anthro dragon (1000 years is 1 year in human time so he is about 25 in age comparing lifespans) he is wiser than most dragons his age (who are generally the wisest creatures alive) he is the offspring of a vampire father (Dante) and dragon mother (Æthelinda means (noble serpent)) (however that works (; ) he is very kindhearted but can be a deadly force to be reckoned with when someone goes against people he cares about and will defend their honor to his last breath though he cares greatly for others as long as it causes no harm he could care less what people say think or do to him 1st pic his mother 2nd his father 3rd Ze Ze satisfies his vampiric urges by hunting demons and other evil creatures (just like his father) as he refuses to do unjust harm despite his demonic nature (also just like his father and also the reason his mother fell in love with Dante as he fought against his own blood to do good in the world rather than evil) also he just moved into the neighborhood (a mansion with a penthouse suite) his job is a demon hunter (only evil ones) He has 3 cats Ze: /Users/rac/Desktop/james' pics/image.png His mother: /Users/rac/Desktop/james' pics/image.jpeg His father: /Users/rac/Desktop/james' pics/image-1.jpeg His mansion: /Users/rac/Desktop/james' pics/image-2.jpeg His parent's mansion: /Users/rac/Desktop/james' pics/image-3.jpeg