Name: Makoto Ayanami Gender: Female Age: 17 Clubs/Occupation: Leader of a school gang (I'll work on a name after I know the name of the school) Personality: Makoto is easily angered and annoyed. She is also rude, arrogant, and cautious. One of her stronger points is protecting the members of her gang. History: Born and raised in the Middle class, Makoto had potential to live a boring, mundane life. Unfortunately, bullies tend to change things up. She and her best friend were casual targets of bullying. At first, it was just name-calling and insults, but as they got older, bullies began to physically abuse them. Being the stronger of the two, Makoto took most of the hits, trying to defend her best friend. One day, however, Makoto's friend was found by the bullies when Makoto wasn't around. They took it too far, and she was put in a hospital after someone found her unconscious body. When Makoto went to see her, her best friend was in comatose. Makoto was enraged. Simple bullies had hurt her best friend so badly, and yet they couldn't be punished, because no one witnessed them hurting her. She wanted to get revenge, but she knew she wouldn't stand a chance at fighting them, but then a chance arrived, when her parents got her into martial arts, in fear of the same thing happening to her. She excelled in wielding Tonfa, and after enough time had passed, she had gained the ability to fight back. A day later, and she returned with several cuts and bruises, though it was nothing compared to the bones of the bullies that she broke. She was placed in trouble, and had to switch to another school. Across the years, her reputation as a delinquent grew larger and larger with every act. She wanted to make sure no one at any school she was at would suffer the same fate as her friend's, and being the toughest was the best way to do that. Appearance: [hider=Makoto Ayanami][img][/img][/hider] Weapon: Tonfa Persona: [hider=Kali][img][/img][/hider] ~Name: Kali ~Arcana: Strength ~Drain: NaN ~Weak: Ice ~Null: NaN ~Reflect: NaN ~Resist: Physical ~Skills: 1. Arm Chopper 2. Kill Rush 3. Patra 4.Swift Strike