Durus was lost, really lost. Every turn in this blasted city looked the same to him and after about five minutes in he was lost. That was what? three, five hours ago? Durus didn't know. All he knew was that he hated it here. He even forgot why he came here in the first place, something about magic? or maybe it was a bounty? No he doesn't need money, think Durus think! It was no use, this damned armor, "I wish I had never put you on." He said to no one in particular. As he continued walking, in circles for all he knew, he heard a sound he was all too familiar with. The sound of a sword leaving its sheath. Roused from his thoughts Durus began to look around, wondering where the sound came from. His answer came not from the slash of a sword but the hard piece of a club to the back of the head. Angered, Durus turned around and found himself acquainting his eye with a sword, well a pitiful excuse of one. It was lang and thin, it fit perfectly in his eye slit. With the initial shock over with Durus did the only thing he could in this situation, he grabbed. With the assailants head in between his hands Durus squeezed, turning the mans head into a mush. The sight must have been horrific because his partner let out a scream of terror before I unsheathed my own sword and split him from crown to the ground, the two halves falling onto the ground. With the brief confrontation over with, Durus pulled the sword still lodged in his eye slit out and put it in his hands, letting the suit consume it for later use. Taking one of their water pouches I cleaned my hands, I may forget things but blood is still frowned upon. At least he thinks so. With a shrug Durus continued on his endless journey for about another thirty minutes before a door to his left opened and out came a woman who looked a little disheveled. Pausing in his tracks, Durus lifted a meek hand and said "Hello."