Oliva regared a piece of paper as the students began to talk, noting the first one to speak was Lorenzo, "Dragoon and Knight is a good combination, covering all the bases of those wishing to be a fighter, but I imagine you had no choice but to become a knight, with that sword you are carrying around. I wonder if that was what you wanted to be though" She shrugged, moving on to the second student to speak up. noting the name of said student was Ren. "being a dragoon is a good choice, if that's what you wish. You seem to have some sort of inner joke" She said, in reference to his smirk. She rose from her desk, approaching Ren, deliberately walking slowly. "Do you care to share with the rest of the class, Ren? I bet it has something to do with...lusting after something you can't have, now, doesn't it?" She gave him a knowing smile, before looking about the classroom, at the two students that hadn't said anything yet. It appeared the one at the back, Kiddo, in reference again to her chart, couldn't hear, even though they seemed to try desperately to make it seem like they could hear. "Excuse me, Kiddo?" She said loudly, "You might want to come closer, you seem lonely back there by yourself" Her tone implied it wasn't a suggestion, but rather a request. She turned to Cassandra. ---- Cassandra listened as Lorenzo and Ren said what they wanted to be. She stared at her desk, appearing thoughtful, even as she glanced towards the blade she had taken from her house, when everything seemed to turn upside down. She shivered, and looked up as Oliva turned to gaze at her. Cassandra returned her gaze, deliberately taking time to speak. "Since I took up the blade of the man I thought was my father, my path seems to be that of a Knight. And yet, I don't think I should just be a Knight because that seems to be the way things are going for me. I want to be a Knight, for the simple fact that I want to protect. I also want to be a Doctor. So I can heal, and save lives" She spoke softly, her gaze never once leaving the Professors. "I know what I am, and I know what I want to be. I'm not going to let my path be chosen for me. I'll choose it for myself. I will become an Exorcist" and then Cassandra fell silent, and looked down. There was silence as Oliva seemed to digest this information, before looking over the rest of the class. "She is right. You have the right to choose"