Luro brought a hand to his chin happy to see Marcos and Danny so into their fights, it was good to let out pent up energy and they did just dock after all, it was only natural for a release. A drink would make the situation absolutely perfect he was pretty sure there was something around here but there wasn't time to go looking and they were helping right now after all. He lowered his hand as he noticed Danny speak to him, he rested his rifle on his shoulder and grinned at her before returning the thumbs up. "It only get's better from here so keep enjoying it!" Luro exclaimed laughing a little afterwards. Luro started to speak again but stopped seeing Marcos was making his way over to them, he grinned seeing he was covered in the blood of the pirates they just finished taking out, when he spoke to him he tilted his head slightly not fully disagreeing with him and he wasn't going to pass up a chance to obtain that chair. "That sounds pretty good and it's good to see you're enjoying yourself Marcos, that's the most important thing," Luro said smiling at him. "I was a little worried since all I've seen is serious face on you." Luro turned hearing the captain his eyebrows arching hearing a few of them actually got away, there wasn't time time to reflect too much on it as reinforcements would happen if they got back to the ship, that and the Coral Pearl might get hurt which he couldn't allow. Luro watched the captain run off and lowered his rifle from his shoulder, for a moment he stared the same small smile on his face, Luro turned with a smirk and headed towards the door. "The captain can handle herself so I'm heading towards the Coral Pearl, that's my special lass after all," Luro said before glancing back at the two. "Well our special lass anyway, I'm running ahead then." Luro dashed out immediately after making his way down to the Coral Pearl, he noticed three pirates as he made his way down the street grinning as he sped up putting his rifle on his back. He wouldn't be surprised if there were more but taking out these three would keep them from reaching the ship at the very least, with that in mind Luro sped up laughing as he started closing the distance between them, he noticed the pirates look back at him as he got closer, his eyes went to their guns seeing the two in front reaching down to draw them. The pirate furthest back stopped and turned to fire but Luro eyes went to the gun and he ducked causing the pirate to readjust his aim but Luro had already closed the distance, he grabbed the pirates wrist and raised it as he slammed his fist into the man's stomach. Luro grabbed and turned the man around as another pirate fired at him using his body as a shield, he tossed the body aside only to see they were now further away, Luro put his new pistol on his belt and grabbed his rifle. With a grin he fired and hit the pirate in front of the other causing the pirate behind him to trip over the body, Luro lowered his gun with a chuckle and made his way towards him. Luro knelt down and took the pirates gun seeing he wasn't going to use it anymore continuing to make his way towards the Coral Pearl, he started to run again but froze as he came a cross a few wanted posters. He blinked a few times before walking up to one and pulling it down, with a small grin Luro folded the parchment and stuck it into his pocket before turning and continuing towards the ship, remembering there was something to drink on board fueled him with an almost endless supply of stamina as he made his way forward.