"Okay ma'am." Kiddo quickly picked up his things and moved closer to the front of the room. He was glad the teacher had noticed. He didn't point it out because he didn't want to be a burden to the class. Kiddo could hear much better now. The teacher was talking to a girl up front now, Cassandra Kiddo believed her name was. He listen to what she wanted to be, an exorcist. Just a simple exorcist. [i]Does that mean she hasn't decided yet?[/i] Kiddo wondered. After a couple more people the teacher finally turned to him asking what he wanted to be. "Just a simple knight ma'am. Ever since I got this sword about a year ago it hasn't had a purpose, so I want to give it one. And, I want that purpose to be helping people. Helping people is what I have done my whole life and will continue to do." Kiddo spoke with confidence, he spoke with out messing up or slurring his words together. That was mainly because it was truth and you can't mess up the truth. Also Kiddo knew if he did mess up nobody would believe him. Kiddo realized he was standing up gripping the edges of his desk. Is knuckles were white. He had practically yelled everything he said. Kiddo sat back down. The teacher smiled and moved on asking other kids.