Gward Haeth, the capital of the Empire. A lively place to be sure, but that doesn't mean one can't sense a bit of fear among the people here. Then again, one can sense a bit of fear everywhere in the Empire, so it really wasn't that special. Fear of what? Fear of the Emperor. Fear of the power of a dragonrider. The kind of fear that warrants respect for the emperor, although not everyone felt the same. While many feared and respected the emperor, there were some just outright hated him. So much so that they even started a rebellion against him. [i]Actually, they might be interesting to work with.[/i] thought a man whose more noticeable clothes were a vest and a cap. This man is Alvin Callaghan, or gentleman Jack in this case. This man is an assassin who lives a double-life to keep himself safe in the trade. When he's wanted for a job or is already on one, he dons a red cape and mask, and uses the name "Alvin Callaghan" to hide his appearance. But at the moment, he's not Alvin. Right now, he's "gentleman Jack", an amnesiac who travels the land, trying to regain his memory. [i]Firstly, I should locate an inn somewhere. Then I can figure out what to do later.[/i]