Amelia listened intently to the plan, she had some reservations about it though, the first of which she voiced in reply. "While not a bad plan, I don't exactly look like a slave..." she said, cocking her head to the side causing some of her hair to slide off her shoulder. She then looked to the super mutant who seemed to enjoy the stealth field built into the armor, smiling softly "I might have something similar I could give you" she replied. She carried a few Stealth Boys with her just in case the armors stealth field ever became damaged during combat. She was about to see about getting one out when the other mutant moved towards her demanding she hand over her gear. "You wouldn't be the first Brotherhood member to try that line with me, and as I'm still breathing I would ask you to question what became of that situation. I strongly recommend you rethink this and give me some space... you're scaring me" she said without any trace of fear or hesitation at all, both her gloved hands resting upon her weapons. She wouldn't draw them unless he came any closer or made a threatening move.