Takeshi really couldn't wrap his mind around what was going on. It's like they were in Otherworld or something right now, what with all these ghosts hovering about. This little... Thing that emerged from T'charrl too, what was it? It didn't seem evil or sinister, just... Strange. Scratching at his head in utter confusion he looked at the being questioningly, silently urging for an explanation. To his surprise it spoke the common language pretty darn fluently, more coherent than Shu even. "Uh... Well we don't even know what [i]this[/i] is," he pointed out, shaking his head, "Think you can tell us? Is T'charrl okay?" There was definitely some worry for their friend's well being right now. People didn't normally just freeze up like that, and glowing orbs was definitely an oddity. Hell, the orbs were unusual to begin with, but this was a whole new degree of strange. Was this thing a girl? Either that or it had a really high pitched, squeaky voice. Sheesh, nothing about this was making any sense, his head hurt trying to understand it all. Crossing his arms over his chest Takeshi kept a careful eye on this one being, a little skeptical it was as innocent as it seemed. Then again, hearing it talk and watching it he found it very difficult to believe it could pose any threat. Nodding his head the Saiyan smiled slightly, pretending to get what was going on. "We are his friends, yeah. And what do you mean 'released you'? What are you anyways?" Maybe this was one of his ancestors or something, T'charrl had mentioned that he talked to the dead on his own planet. That was strange, even if they did talk to people in Otherworld pretty often. This was different, they didn't normally talk with spirits like this, not ones that floated around in this way. The whole realm comment really threw him through a loop, Takeshi was itching to actually get what was happening here. "Seriously... What's going on? I'm confused and I don't like being confused!"