After getting his answers and permission to have a look around Adrian's room, Cain followed Leonard to a mid sized upstairs room. The door was cracked open, but as Cain went in there was no one inside. It was a typical teenager's room complete with clothes, magazines laying out as well as a few empty cans and bottles on desk in the corner of the room. His shelves had an assortment of pictures with family and friends, as well as figurines from who knows what. If there was anything to be found here Cain was going to have to dig to find it, and doing that could risk upsetting his client and cause problems should the authorities choose to investigate here. He continued to look around the room and spotted a note on Adrian's desk. Walking over Cain turned his back on the desk picking up the note discreetly. He then put the not in his pocket and produced his wallet. "I would like to thank you for allowing me to ask you these questions, and again I am very sorry for what has happened. I will do everything in my power to find out who or what made your son choose this path." from his wallet b he took a small card and handed it to Leonard. "should you not be able to reach me from the current number you have just call that and they will get you sorted." on the card there was a phone number and above it was a title: District Authority Routing Office, but the card contained no address. After clearing the last of his visit with Leonard up Cain left, making his way back to his truck. Getting in he started his vehicle and turned on the AC before reviewing his new information from Leonard. There wasn't a lot to go on, but he had enough of a lead to make something work out a lead. > > Trojan, report. > I have a packet I am sending you. > > Thanks, and... I gave him a card so you can expect to receive some calls. > Great. I will get the office set up, then. Cain sat in his truck is he went through the packet Trojan sent him.