Well things certainly had heated between some of the others. As house answered her questions, but avoided the last one, an eye brow raised in curiosity. Rebecca nodded "Welp, Guess that's that then. So when are-" She stopped at the mention of the BoS and NCR came up. It would be interesting, to see more BoS on her travels. "The Brotherhood are not as harmful as you might think" She started to say, but knew that she was probably drowned out by everyone's conversations. Thought the only real one she heard anymore was Sabin. "You won't touch any NCR soldiers, ya hear? You ain't nothin', and you wouldn' stand a chance against even the rookiest of soldiers, you're nothing! If you continue to make threats on the New California Republic, I won't hesitate to shoot you righ' 'ere and now, ya got it?" Blah blah blah. [I] God this kid..."[/I] She thought to her self. Rebecca stood up from her chair and tossed her notebook back into her pack. Walking up behind Sabin she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Sabin, will you please shut the hell up for a second?" She asked in a voice she knew he would be able to hear. [I] He is such a hot head.. Kids going to get him self in trouble sooner or later."[/I] She sighed again