Béatrix walked into the Main Building with grace and confidence. Carson and the other recruits followed her in. Trixy froze for the briefest of moments and the muscles in her arms and legs curled around her bones in response to the offensive odor. [i]They cannot expect me to work with dogs…[/i] she thought sourly. All the while, her face wore the mask of a perfect actress: calm, collected and even a little bit friendly. A pair of crystal blue eyes met her own, and she smiled warmly. [i]A brother[/i] she thought as her eyes sized him up. The vampire male seemed much younger than her, but was strong and sturdy, and definitely the military type. Next, her eyes met with those of a long-haired human male. Trixy’s heart twisted in her chest, remembering Francis’ own long locks. With a soft smile, Trixy turned to walk into the room where Victor and the conference table were. Trixy chose a seat far from the wolves and closer to Victor and the Englishman. She sent the quickest of winks in the Englishman’s direction, leaving it up to his interpretation on whether it was friendly, flirty, or mocking. Victor was definitely human, Béatrix could tell be his scent, and he appeared to be more aged than Carson. Trixy studied the expression on Victor’s face in hopes of gaining insight on her new leader, but he was also good at wearing a mask. Trixy assumed he was also a military guy and that he had seen a lot, perhaps fallen comrades on the battlefield. Trixy sat back in the chair and felt its shape press into her back gently, she was thinking of questions to ask, as it appeared that no one else was chiming in. Béatrix decided to ask the obvious, as race-related tension was thick in the air “Are partners assigned to us, or is this an every-man-for-himself kind of organization?” she asked Victor in a honey sweet voice.