"Purgatory... Huh... So he's okay...?" That was good. He was frozen and clearly not going anywhere anytime soon, but at least he was okay. Giving the small creature a confused look Takeshi wondered what he exactly meant by summoned. So this was one of T'charrl's abilities, was that it? These Kaesstrians were just strange creatures, their powers were way different than that of Saiyans or humans. "Not supposed to be out yet... Huh... I see... So what are you anyways? A ghost?" That question was more than happily answered, the being's enthusiasm and friendliness coming across as rather strange still. An Ancient... So probably an ancestor then. Or maybe something else entirely, it was hard to say. That tidbit of information only held Takeshi's interest for but a moment though, what the being had to say otherwise had him far more intrigued. The mention of wishes had him instantly interested, they could really make use of that. Smiling eagerly he leaned forward a bit in his spot, placing his hands on his knees as he did so. "Wishes huh...? Like bringing people back from the dead wishes?" Maybe this thing could give Vegeta his parents back and they wouldn't have to go to Namek! So T'charrl was special, then. This gift of his, whatever it was exactly was given to a select few. After seeing firsthand what it did to people Takeshi didn't quite know whether it was a gift or a curse. To their people it was probably something of both, that seemed to be the case for their friend. Manipulating spirit energy, in a sense it sounded similar to Ki. Though... Ki was the power of life, so was what T'charrl used the power of the afterlife? Now there was a confusing idea, how would that even work? "So those orbs... Are yours? And you're saying you can help him change back later? That's great! We've been trying to help but we had no idea what to do!" When T'charrl came to he would love to hear this, though maybe not the bit about a spirit living inside of him. "You don't have to make anything up to us, but him definitely. Can you... Tell him what's going on? He deserves to know, he's been pretty worried about it. If you want to make it up to him then help him more."