"Enough!" The man's aggravated grunt echoed through the tower's cramped guard room along with the sound of a gloved fist on wood. "That's enough, Arniman! I don't want to hear one more word about the Thieves Guild or the 'Dark Brotherhood' or any of the other specters you've... [i]conjured up[/i] in that thick skull of yours!" Captain Ernayis Golwin slumped back into his chair and leaned his head on one hand, clearly exacerbated with his subordinate's 'go-get'er' attitude. "Sir, I...." The words caught in Rinn Arniman's throat as he thought better of his retort; a dangerous accusation of who might be slipping coin into the captain's purse. His own gloved hand ran through his dark swept-back hair while his lips tightened and his bright green eyes looked everywhere but at his commander. The captain's gloved hand tried to rub the sleep out of his dark puffy eyes but clearly failed as the portly balding Imperial stifled a loud yawn that made his jowls shake. After moment of blinking lazily, he refocused on the vice-captain with a scowl. "Kvatch is a [i]safe[/i] city. I know learnin' the ropes in the Capital's made you see criminals on every corner but I will NOT have you running some witch-hunt through [i]my[/i] streets. Is that clear!?" "Yes. Crystal clear, sir." The vice-captain's voice was a low rumble, clearly displeased with his superior stamping out his investigation into the not-so-clean dealings that were happening daily in Kvatch. When first arriving from the capital, the Breton had found himself appalled at the lack of order and stability found in Kvatch's City Guard and so had vowed to do his part in putting things back in order. It was also a good way for him to forget about his frustration with being sent away from the Capital City due to 'disciplinary action', as it turned out. The entire case against him was utter nonsense, of course, but when the one pushing the bill was the Imperial Commander it was impossible to question the order. And so here Rinn found himself dealing with this scumbag. "Good, now just to make sure the message [i]really[/i] sinks in, you've got an extra shift of night watch duty." Pushing himself to his feet with more than a little effort, the captain didn't care to notice his subordinate's fists tighten at the punishment, nor the faint wisps of smoke that drifted from between his fingers, and instead pushed straight past to the door. "You're relieved at sun-up, Arniman. And I'll hear if you slack off tonight." "Yes, sir." Rinn's smooth baritone voice became a rather harsh growl but the captain paid not attention as he flung the door open and waded into the street the home he almost certainly couldn't afford solely on a captain's salary. "Asshole..." The vice-captain spit out onto the cobblestone. He was just about to turn away when a bit of movement on a rooftop across the street caught his eye. He tried to focus his eyes on a suspicious cluster of shadows but couldn't make anything out until an apparent patch of darkness shot from the edge, over the alleyway, and onto the balcony of a private home. Rinn's eyes blinked rapidly as he tried to determine if what he'd just saw was a trick of the light or something more but he couldn't be sure either way. "I'll show him... All I need is the proof and then we'll see who's conjuring specters!" Grabbing his longsword from the weapon rack and quickly strapping it around his waist, the vice-captain's guard mail clinked as he took up a slow jog towards the home. He didn't get far when a distant scream stopped him in his tracks: right hand instinctively falling to his sword hilt just as the tiny red tendrils of magic swirled around his left. The hairs on Rinn's neck prickled as he suddenly noticed the sounds of battle coming from the other side of the market and the rooftop intruder vanished from his mind as he walked slowly forward. A man burst from around the corner, a drunk from the local pub, being pursued by a humanoid figure in jagged black armor weilding a vicious looking blade. The vice-captain called out in alarm but before he could do so much as take a step that blade cut the man down, sending a spray of dark blood across the pavement. Rinn's own blade rang as it came out of the scabbard and the horrid creature focused him with its glowing red eyes. He could have sworn he heard it chuckle as he charged forward, blade coming across in a powerful horizontal slash which it just barely managed to catch with its blade. In one flood motion, his empty hand shot forward and sent a vicious jolt of lightning into the creature's chest and causing it to shriek in pain. The stink of burning flesh stunk his nose but Rinn did not relent, making three quick strikes that knocked the blade aside and dropped the demon to its knees. It's snarl faded to a gurgle as he drove his sword through its throat and dropped its corpse to the ground into a growing pool of thick black ichor.