Hmm. Honestly, all that I believe is needed in this kind of situation is a [i]story[/i]. An immediate conflict that involves everyone's characters, something they can [i]do[/i] and bond over, or at least have discussions and arguments about. The lack of anything like that means the death of the vast majority of academy-style RPs, I think... -ahem- If I may be so bold, I'll also say that I already have a conflict in mind, one that HOAL no doubt had plans for, but didn't implement before her/his absence. The characters, or at least any of you who would be interested in such a thing, would be the coincedental witnesses of a... [i]scene[/i]. A rather grisly display, if you catch my drift. They realize that something not quite right is going on at KingsRidge this year, and they're soon contacted by someone who confirms those suspicions, plunging them into danger and intrigue... :sun If anyone would be interested in a mystery like that, go ahead and post in the thread again, and I'll include your character.