Alright Spam, after rummaging through Google's results for a while and not finding what I need, I was hoping you guys could help me. See, I ordered a British DVD before learning about that whole region thing with DVD players (where DVD players can generally only play DVD's from their own region). The DVD hasn't arrived yet but I'm fairly certain it's region 2, whereas my DVD player is region 1. Thankfully Google did make it very clear that hacks do exist to change the region of a DVD player or even make it region-free (so it plays all DVD's), but I'm having trouble making that work on mine. My DVD player is an Emerson EWD7004. The hack instructions for this model that have been copypasta'd onto every hack site I've checked are as follows; [quote]1. Press OPEN, SETUP on the remote control. 2. Press the number of the region you want, or 9 for region-free. 3. Press 2, 0, 1, 0 on the remote control - if this sequence doesn't work try 5, 0, 1, 0 fast. 4. Press STEP, SHUFFLE, NEXT on the remote control. 5. When doing this method, point the remote control directly at the player, as the open tray can hinder the remote's signal to the player. [/quote] The problem that I've run into (along with many others, it would seem) is that my DVD remote doesn't have "step", "shuffle" or "next". The reply to these instructions which has [i]also[/i] been copypasta'd onto every single site is that these three buttons could be interpreted as "Fwd", "mode", and "skip", respectively - however, those are just educated guesses as what the equivalents to those buttons are. And, since I was not able to access any sort of "hidden/secret menu" as these instructions all seem to imply that I should (nor any other indication that my button-pressing did anything), I'm going to assume that doesn't work. So I figured I'd be able to make use of the original hack instructions if only I could figure out what buttons on my DVD remote equate to the ones listed. I tried looking up this sort of thing, but, no dice. Anyone here think they can help me? Be it an alternative solution to the region problem, different hack instructions, or just what buttons to press to replace the ones I don't have? It would be very much appreciated.