(Everyone will have to forgive me because I live in Australia and I don’t know American landscapes very well. So I only have google to go off what the locations look like) Name: Luke Walker Age: 23 Appearance: 6’1”, well built muscles from his work at home. He has slightly long brown hair that sweeps to the side and curls gently, and brown eyes. Gender: Male Family: Mother, Father (fate unknown)   Personality: Luke is generally caring and compassionate guy, however is not afraid to speak his mind if he thinks someone is acting irrationally or recklessly. He can sometimes be perceived as someone who is a bit of a jerk, due to the fact that he'll make decisions logically, rather than emotionally, weighing up all possibly options and then the pros and cons of those options. It's not so much that he doesn't care, it's more just that he wants to make sure those he cares about survives and he places a higher priority on that than people's feelings. Bio: Growing up in a large rural town (don’t ask me for a specific location because I have no clue about America geography in California).Luke was raised on a cattle farm, but had dreams for bigger things. He recently left home with the intention of getting some great job in Los Angeles, however after 6 months he was beginning to run out of money and options. It was shortly after this that the outbreak occurred. Luke was actually at the airport at the time of the initial outbreak, getting ready to board a plane home. The place went into lock down and he, along with all the other travellers were stuck inside. That only lasted a few days before the panic set in and people started rioting. There was chaos as the crowds overpowered the security, broke through doors and windows and scattered into the roads. He found Ashley sitting in a corner of the airport, crying over her mother who had died in the riot, a sharp blow to her head on one of the counters. And couldn't, in good conscience, leave her there on her own. The initial plan was to find someone more suited to take care of her, since he had no clue about how to care for a little girl. However as the days turned into weeks he found himself growing attached to her.   Job Before The Outbreak: Unemployed   Disability/Fear: Clasutraphobia   Weapon of Choice: Machete owned by Ash's father.   Name: Ashley (Ash) Carney Age: 10 Appearance: 4'2", slim build, long, waist length, brown hair and green eyes. Gender: Female Family: Mother (deceased), Father (fate uncertain)   Personality: Ash is a mostly quiet girl. She is easy enough to warm up to people, and displays and innocent, trusting almost naive nature towards mostly everyone who is kind to her. She is mostly ruled by her emotions when it comes to making decisions.   Bio: Born and raised in Las Angeles she lives in a small town-house complex with her mother, whom works full time as a nurse and her father who works as a flight attendant. She gets along well enough in school, though prefers to have just a few close friends rather than many. Her father often has to travel for work, meaning she doesn’t get to see him as often as she'd like, and her mother often works late nights, meaning she is left home with various babysitters. The day of the outbreak she and her mother were at the airport, waiting for a flight her father was on to land. However they soon discovered the airport had been locked down, and no planes were allowed to land. Over the next few days they waited for the airport staff to tell them they were allowed to leave, but the days wore on and soon the people stuck in the airport, hungry and frustrated, began to grow more and more aggressive, eventually blowing out into a full blown mob. In the panic, Brianna, Ashley's mum, tried to protect her, but was shoved out of the way by a rather angry member. She fell, and hit her head against one of the counters, killing her instantly. Ashley, uncertain of what to do next, could think only to sit there and wait for her dad to come back.   Job Before The Outbreak: School Disability/Fear: Physically Weak Weapon of Choice: A kitchen knife Luke gave to her. Terminus