Name: The Armour of Hurrian Pantheon: Relics of Hurrian Pantheon Head: The Armour of Hurrian Nation: Dearoth Personality: The Armour of Dearoth is the center of faith. The helm may house the mind and the shield may protect it all but the armour is what housed the very heart and soul of Hurrian. It is also the piece that connects all the other relics. They mearly lay around it and act through the heart to each other. The truest part of Hurrian's person was embodied within the armour. His courage, his leadership, his Determination and drive. [hider=Legend of Hurrian] Legend: Every child in Dearoth learns the tale of Hurrian. He was the ancient hero who led the first people of settlers of what is now the prosperous city state of Dearoth to their homeland. An ancient empire long since fallen or most likely forgotten became rife with corruption and greed. Avarice and political scandal were the ruling bodies of this Empire. The people suffered greatly as more and more of the common folk slipped into poverty and starvation to line the pockets of the Empire's coffers. The political leaders and generals has no quams about turning their troops onto any group of citizens gathered to riot and protest. Little is known about where exactly Hurrian came from. It is thought that maybe he was a Military officer of this empire, one who refused bravely to butcher it's citizens and instead turned and with his most loyal men stood firm and held ground in the name of the people. Or maybe he was the son of a noble who saw the decadence and decline of his empire's once proud traditions and decided he could not stand to be part of such an oppressive regime. Or maybe he was simply a common man who decided to stand up for his rights one day. Whatever the case the effects were immediate. The Empire could only star dumbfounded as companies of soldiers sent to quash this little rebellion were soon openly allying themselves with it's cause. And pledging their loyalty and skills to this random stranger. When soldiers and arms failed they tried assassinations but either the assassin's were killed before they could succeed or they were simply unable to deliver the killing blow once they came face to face with their target. Many assassins's denied the contract entirely. Diplomats sent to try and bride and buy this man's loyalty returned to their masters not with news of success but attempting to convince their old masters to join the very cause they were fighting to destroy. And yet still the empire was unwilling to acknowledge this man or his supposed cause. And as drastic measures were taken and the vast army of the corrupt empire was being gathered to once and for all crush this rebellion and decimate all who would even speak of it Hurrian took his followers who now numbered as Legion and left. He saw no hope left with this empire. They were bleeding their land and their people dry and they were to greedy and lustful for power to enact the changes and reforms needed to save themselves from a slow decline and eventually a total self destruction. His followers marched and marched behind their new leader. He seemed to know exactly where to go. What places to camp, what rivers to follow, and what fields of natural foods and herds of animals they could hutn and harvest along the way. The march was long and arduous but through his peerless leadership and insight no famines befell the settlers. Or sickness and plague. It was as if they were being protected by some shield of ...some power in reward fro their good intentions. When they finally reached the sight of their new home they looked down upon a scene of beautiful plenty. The land was lush and fertile, The rivers and lakes of the nearby country side were nearly bursting with fish and fowl. Vast herds of animals of all kinds to hunt and domesticate were seemingly waiting for them or to be discovered nearby. Praising this location as a true haven to build a new life for themselves the settlers set to work immediatly. And as always it was Hurrian who was leading these efforts. In any setting he was the perfect leader and greatest mind he had. He foresaw and warned villagers of potential problems long before they could hope to become aware of themselves. He helped the farmers till the new fields, the Builders construct new homes and even designed and offered better solutions and ideas on already tried and trusted methods. Yes life in these lands was shaping up to become nothing short of perfect. But their foes have long memories and a more unforgiving mindset. As long as these settlers were alive they were a threat to the stability of the Empire. Their city was a beacon to encourage further rebellions and possibly an peasant overthrow of the Ruling body itself. It took months for their scouts to find this new location and several more for their regiments to follow. What they expected when they marched down the rolling green hills and through the soft grass was to find a city to new and incapable to defend itself. No walls, no armoury, no formal military. They would crumple and burn to the last child and that would be the end of it. But what they were not expecting were the ordered ranks of every settler in the village. Man or woman, old and young. Some were old soldiers of the Empire and they formed the core of the army. Most were simple villagers armed with what weapons and tools they had and their blacksmiths could produce with their hastily constructed forges. And at their centre was Hurrian. Standing like a beacon of light and hope for his new people. The armies of the empire were not expecting a waiting and such sizable force. They fired arrows to thin the ranks, Catapults launched giant stones into the air to cut swathes through the peasant warriors. But out of the hundreds if not thousands of projectiles launched very few hit their mark. Responding to the formation and discipline of their soldier officers, in turn relayed by Hurrian himself they advanced slowly through the fire. Making way for the Giant stones and Protecting each other with shields of metal and wood from the seemingly endless arrows. Some died to be sure. But the Casulties inflicted upon the enemy once the Dearothian forces met blade to blade were best described as monsterous. Highly trained and veteran soldiers of countless battles and attrocities broke morale and fled the field of battle. Shield walls broke and armour seemed ineffective as the villagers were taught well where to strike for weak points and maximum effectiveness. The only setback was when the enemy was rallied by their own champion. The greatest of the generals and the means by which the old Empire had half the control and territories they did. A master tactitian and a seemingly peerless killer. And loyal to the last breath in his body. The peasants, even the actual soldiers of the Newly found Dearoth were cut down mercilessly and quickly as him and his guard butchered their way towards Hurrian's position. Whatever power Hurrian seemed to hold over his troops proved ineffective against this man. Surprisingly not much can be said about the duel that was challenged to Hurrian amidst the chaos. Even the legend and old tales only say the clash of blades was nigh impossible to follow. Both Men threw all their skill against each other. Each drawing small cuts and scraps against each other but neither managing to kill the other. Even as the battle raged, soldiers from both sides seemed to give their champions a great deal of space to fight their duel. Knowing that any of them were hopelessly outmatched against either of these titans of war. The death of either of these men would mean undesputed victory for the others army. So neither of them were willing to give a single inch of ground. Hours passed and both armies retreated but these two soldiers refused to give to the other. Even as both sides quit the field to lick their wounds and prepare for another day of warfare the private duel never ceased. For days this continued, There was no time to sleep, to eat or to even think beyond anything more than a few milliseconds ahead of the present. Eventually the armies stopped all together and simply watched and waited to see which victor would emerge from the clash of blades. After four days of constant duelling one of them made a mistake. Like every thing else about that duel no one can remember or say for certain what the mistake was. A mistimed strike? Overbalanced swing? Slip of the foot? Either way it ended with the sword of Hurrian plunged into the leg of the general, severing an artery and causing him to loose blood rapidly. But even as his life blood spilled out he had enough strength and hatred of his foe to plunge his own sword up, under the breastplate and into Hurrian's belly. It was still the general that died first, leaving his army further demoralized and now fleeing the field altogether. Willing to face the wrath of their own leaders than the certain death that awaited them against the further emboldened army of Dearoth. Both sides sent their finest to gather the bodies of their champions and return them home, neither side attacking the other, the battle was already done. They just wanted to go home. For even Hurrian was struck a mortal but far slower and more painful blow. In the coming days as scouts confirmed the last of the Empire's forces leaving the newly claimed lands of Dearoth the city found it hard to rejoice to loudly or with much gusto for the man who led them to this place over countless leagues and advised and protected them from numerous threats and challenges. And who in the end fought and died so that they may continue to live. He did not live long through his wounds. They were far to deep and the fact he was consious at all through the blood-loss was a miracle in itself. When he finally passed away the people of Dearoth vowed never to forget the ideals and principles they were founded on. The principles and values that were upheld so vigorously by Hurrian. They gave Hurrian the Warriors burial they knew he would desire. To be burnt and his ashes spread across the new city. But his possessions stayed behind to Symbolize the Virtues that he no longer could stand and teach to the next generation. [/hider] Title: The Heart of Dearoth, The Heart of the Pantheon. The icon of Courage, The icon of leadership Entitled Powers: The armour of Hurrian can bestow much upon it's subjects. Most commonly and often it ban bestow courage to the weak and bring great inspiration to the great artists of Dearoth. Like the rest of the relics the Armour of Hurrian cannot do much more on it's own that simply act as a symbol, occaisionally grant it's followers boons and rewards for service and faith but it's true abilities shine when it is worn by a Dearothian champion. If worn by itself it's power increases greatly and grants the wearer incredible almost nearly overpowering aura of charisma and strong sense of leadership and authority. It has been worn by anyone from war heroes delivering that final and glorious speech before leading his men into victory or a politician rallying the will and drive of the people to spearhead a powerful movement that forever changed life in Dearoth for the better. If worn with the other relics their combined power increases further. When all pieces are worn at once the wearer gains significant powers to effect the mortal world, Demoralize or inspire entire armies to defeat or glorious victory. The combat skill to step into an entire Platoon of enemy soldiers and emerge gore soaked and alive. And other great gifts or burdens can be bestowed by the wearer of Hurrian's Relics. Gained Powers: N/A Misc: that is the image for the complete set of Hurrian's relics when worn. There are more pieces than just the four listed now. These are the primary relics and the most iconic that were chosen in the ancient days of the city. But other possessions of his have smaller followings, mostly made up by the people as the years past but some are under consideration for official recognition. If the people find inspiration and comfort in another symbol then there is no reason to deny it. Also this give me an opportunity to introduce new relics to keep things fresh and interesting on my end and maybe everyone elses. [hider=Spear of Hurrian] Name: The Spear of Hurrian Pantheon: Relics of Hurrian Pantheon Head: The Armour of Hurrian Nation: Dearoth Personality: The spear of Hurrian contains his anger, his warriors pride, and his personal combat abilities. It is the part of his soul that thrives on warfare and blood. It yearns it's followers and it's wielder to throw itself into the heart of the battle. To strike deep and first before the enemy can react. Unlike the other relics which may hold many ideals to heart concerning the civic and cultural importance of the people. The Spear only is drawn from its resting place in times of great war. By far it was the most used and iconic weapon of Hurrian even though it was his sword that slew the Great general and tipped the balance of the ancient battle in Dearoth's favour. Legend: (See the Armour of Hurrian) Title: The Icon of war. Entitled Powers: Simply having the spear as a presence within the Dearothian military is a bonus. The entire regiment or army may find itself just that much more bloodthirsty, Their minds justt that much more focused and their bodies pushing . Their marches longer, their charges more relentless and their overall effectiveness increased. (For those of you who know star wars think a kind of battle meditation. It would start of fairly minor but if the god ever grows in strength and stature it will probably become more pronounced and devestating) To the man who wields the spear he finds himself blessed with all these feats but increased nearly tenfold. He is a champion on the field of war. Fearless, Powerful, and very, very difficult to bring down with anything short of overwhelming odds. Gained Powers: N/A Misc: I know in the picture the spear looks 9+ feet long but in reality it is around 7-8 feet long, probably seven. [/hider] [hider=Shield of Hurrian] Name: The Shield of Hurrian Pantheon: Relics of Hurrian Pantheon Head: The Armour of Hurrian Nation: Dearoth Personality: The Spirit of the shield prides self-reliance and self sacrifice as two of it's highest virtues. Such qualities are what keep The evil elements of a society at bay. The spirit of the shield firmly believes that a life lived for pleasure and self is worthless. Only those that live solely for others or the betterment of Dearoth as a whole are to be granted a place of honour and be deemed worthy of note. Legend: (See the Armour of Hurrian) Title: The Icon of Endurance, Fortitude, protection, duty and sacrifice Entitled Powers: The spirit of the shield can grant great endurance to it's most loyal followers. Those who act selflessly to aid or protect another even if this attempt is suicidal often find themselves bolstered by an internal power. Their body gains more focus and strength to keep going. In general boons of great strength and endurance are the most common gifts. Especially when this shield is worn by a champion of Dearoth. Such gifts may seem simple in comparison to those of it's fellows but one should never discount the power of a spear head charge led by a warrior bearing this shield. Those warriors behind them will find themselves similarly inspired and empowered. Gained Powers: N/A [/hider] [hider= Helmet of Hurrian] Name: The Helmet of Hurrian Pantheon: Relics of Hurrian Pantheon Head: The Armour of Hurrian Nation: Dearoth Personality: Patient and wise, Always thinking about outcomes, possibilites and potentials. Encourages it's followers to do that same. There is always room for error in any plan no matter how seemingly perfect and it strives to find and prepare for it all. There is also no knowledge to be considered to insignificant or worthless in the eyes of the Helm. Legend: (See the Armour of Hurrian) Title: The Icon of Wisdom, Intellect, Cunning and strategy. Entitled Powers: Has been known to grant clarity to generals in times of war, Spark ideas in the minds of inventors and scientists. Bring troubled minds to peace and even grant A temporary buts vast boon of great knowledge to those few considered worthy. Ignorance and poor Planning punished either by ones mind becoming cloudy and unfocused or simply losing control of their own thoughts and mental power. When worn the wearer immediatly gains now necessarily a vast horde of knowledge, but something more valuable. Understanding. He gains the wisdom to understand knew knowledge as it comes to him. To think, to create, to invent. His mental abilities expand tenfold and when worn on the field of war by a great general that General is granted a small portion of the same sharp and flawless military mind that once belonged to Hurrian himself. Gained Powers: N/A [/hider] I will assign faith and landscape description later.