Victor pushed some more paper to the side and Jinx crossed her legs,"So what did you find out?" "He's as big as they say. About a foot or so taller then myself. Bulky to, and that suit is probably ways about a ton. You were right as well about the make. I don't know what the guy looks like but his soul is linked with the armor. I am assuming he can manipulate it in someway to get it to move with him. He is also way faster then what you would think. This guy could definitely give Gunner some trouble, but he isn't brash or overconfident. He's humble, but will deal with shit if you go in front of him." Victor nodded, placing his ringed fingers under his chin,"What about his background." Jinx crossed her arms over her chest,"His own personal business. Look Vic, you asked me to check out his stats and I did. As for his personal life, not our problem. Ya know I don't even know why you sent me. I am an enforcer, reconnaissance isn't my thing. Whisper would be of more use to you." Victor leaned back and smiled,"Whisper had his own mission of a much higher necessity, You will understand my reasoning sure enough but you have some unfinished business that needs to be attended to if I do believe my paperwork. Jason Merata, Serial murder and rapist of children. Take the opportunity and remind this city about Phantom's prowess." Jinx stood, her eyes turning a sinister black,"With pleasure." As she exited she headed back towards the headquarters of Phantom. The room was huge and filled with bookshelves, secretaries and the fellow magical beings of the guild. The underground tunnels of Phantom filled almost half the town and some haven't even been found yet. Jinx moved through them with ease, traveling through them time after time. Once she reached her designed spot, she headed up a ladder and came out into a basement for a run-down apartment building. She opened the latch and headed up, and then bounded up the stairs until she reached apartment 22B. She pulled out her keys and headed inside to sanctuary. She stretched throwing off her jackets and shoes before moving towards her kitchen to prepare dinner. She had a long night ahead of her, so studying the target and taking a shower were in her future. The apartment was small with a bedroom, simple bathroom, and an open concept kitchen and living room. The common theme that resonated though was the occupied space of small penguins. Their was a penguin shower curtain, penguin magnets, penguin stuffies lounging on the bed and on the couch. Jinx moved towards the bathroom, scratching the calico covered fuzzball of a cat that remained sleeping on the edge of her couch. She sighed,"Don't have to worry about Alex coming back. Osiris. I know you're right. Never trust a guy who plays solitare for fun. I'm an idiot." The cat purred in response as she moved to the bathroom and prepared herself for a shower.