The tavern started to get less and less crowded as people wanted to check on what the man was talking about. The screams in the distance were getting louder. “So what do you two think our best option is, do you wanna head towards the city gates, just in case that crazy drunk was being serious or wait here? I don’t really like the sound of those screams though.” Fendryn asked his two friends, scratching at his head trying to think of the best course of action that there would be to take. “I I I don’t really wa wa want to be stu u u uck in nnn here, if there are cr cr cr reatues out there.” Suggested Quintus who was looking around the room quickly, just in case somebody or something burst into the room. Ulrer looked at them both, “But I've not finished eating! This is the first proper meal I've had in a week, I deserve this after putting up with your food!” He complained. “Well you've waited a week, a few more hours won’t kill you, besides I’I'm an amazing chef.” Fendryn stood up and winked at Ulrer. He walked over to the barman who had turned red from anger after having all of his customers driven off. “Yeah we’re not going to be staying the night I'm afraid, all these dodgy rumours about creatures attacking people doesn't really sound to inviting, would you be a saint and go and get all of our gear please. You can keep the money we gave you for the rooms, for any inconveniences.” Fendryn smiled and turned around before the man could moan at him. All he heard was grumbles coming from under the person’s breath. He got back to the table to find Ulrer shovelling food down his mouth. “Where’s Quintus?” Fendryn asked and all he got was a point towards the door, Ulrer was too busy eating. The old man was stood there with his head peering out the door. Fendryn grabbed the door and pulled it fully open, “Any signs of these ‘creatures’ we’ve heard about?” The old man turned around and said, “N n n n no, not yet. I c ccan smell a a a f f fire though. The scre…” Fendryns eyes opened wide. He grabbed Quintus and chucked him to side. A fireball smashed into the right shoulder of Fendryn. He fell to the floor from the impact. Still in shock he managed to look up and see a scamp running towards the tavern, shuffling back into the room, he kicked the door shut with his foot. “These aren’t creatures. They’re daedra!” A silence fell in the inn. There were hushed conversations going on between the citizens, wondering what daedra were, with most people having never heard of them. Ulrer jumped from his feet and spat the food out of his mouth, then ran over to the counter and shouted, “Where the bloody hell is our stuff, you better fucking hurry up!” The man a few seconds later appeared, looking a little scared from all the commotion, scurried over to their table with his hands full and dumped everything next to it. Ulrer slowly helped Quintus up to make sure he was okay from being tossed to the side and went back over to the table routing around in the equipment. “Where’s my bloody axe?” He growled. A second later the barman came back, close to crying, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t carry everything at once.” He put it into the hands of Ulrer who kissed the huge, ugly steel battle axe and whispered, “Ahh, Betty.” Fendryn was still a little shocked has he was slowly getting onto his knees. He felt his shoulder. [i]Gods I'm glad I'm a Dunmer right now[/i], Fendryn thought. “Looks like I'm going to have to get myself a new cuirass. This one’s ruined.” “Ah you’ll be fine laddy.” Ulrer spoke, who had gone back to eating and finishing off the rest of his drink. “Thanks for checking on me anyway.” Ulrer giggled at the comment. Fendryn stood up and walked towards the equipment, Quintus was sorting everything out. Fendryn saw his cloak and wrapped it round himself. Quintus passed him his pack. The Dark Elf chucked it onto his back being careful of his shoulder which was a bit tender. He strapped his two swords onto his belt and attached his quiver to his pack and kept hold of the bow. Suddenly banging came from the door. “I forgot about the fucking scam!” Fendryn shouted. “Ulrer get to the door and when I say now, open the door… And put down the drink! Quintus get your pack on.” Ulrer instead grabbed another mug whilst downing his current drink and walked to door finishing off the other, after it he let out a massive burp. “I always fought better drunk anyway.” He sauntered over to the door and got in position. Fendryn went down to one knee and grabbed an arrow from his quiver, he started to breathe more slowly, pulling the arrow back from the bow. A few seconds later, Fendryn spoke in a commanding tone, “Now.” Ulrer launched the door open. The scamp flew into the opening and looked up to see Fendryn release the bow. The arrow caught the scamp right in the throat. The scamp went down to the floor holding its neck, coughing on the blood coming from its mouth. “Well I could have been nicer and shot it in the head but never the less its dead now. Let’s get out of here.” He ran out the door, closely followed by his two companions. Other people came out after them as well but ran in different directions. They ran down the street for a minute getting into the nicer part of town and turned a corner. There they found what looked like the body of the man who warned them off the attack and a guard inspecting a dead daedric creature. ”What the fuck is going on here?” Fendryn spoke.