Ellie just frowned as her issue was addressed and explained. These rails were ABOVE ground? What Ashur had told her made her think that they were just like the metro tunnels and shit they had in New York or DC... But even if they were above ground that doesn't mean there won't be rubble on the tracks somewhere... But from the way they seem to have everything else thought up she just shrugged and went with it and decided to just listen in on the quickly surmounting chaos that was the rest of the group. As piss-pants stands, she can't help but scowl, she knew it couldn't be good as he stomped over to one of the cowboy-wannabes and starts screaming... some crock of shit about how awesome awesome those soldier bastards strutting around the Mojave were. Fuck... has this pissant EVER been out in the real wastes? It sounds like he's spent his whole life eating whatever crock of shit those sons-a-bitches put in front of him and it just disgusted her. "Ho-ly fucking shit" she growls before yelling over to Rebecca "God dammit woman would you take that hothead into the other room and GIVE him some fucking head so he just shuts the fuck up?" she stands and moves over towards Sabin, "God dammit Piss Pants you sound pretty fucking tough for somebody who couldn't even look a mutant in the eyes without pissin' yourself. You really think you can do a fucking thing to anybody in this room without getting either a knife in the chest or a bullet to the brainpan. Your fucking soldiers can't even stand up against a god damn face on a screen!" she snarls, gesturing to the monitor, "So would you kindly shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down before YOU'RE the dumb fuck that's put down like a rabid dog? Nut up or shut up sir baby-bladder. Either do something or sit the fuck back down."