Cora entered through the main door of the building, having already been up and about for a good hour before the meeting was to take place. She had not stayed in the accommodations provided by Hawk, as the others had, but instead had retreated back to her father's estates. Suspicion was a difficult thing to avoid from a man such as her sire, but she managed it with stories of young men and entirely indecent outings, told in hushed secrecy to the maids, who in turn told other maids, who in turn told the stable boys, who in turn told the menservants, and so on until the tales reached her father. If she gave him something to be suspicious about, he might not bother casting his nets for anything deeper, and the harder she made it for him to find this tales of indecency, the more believable they became. And so it was that she was now able to come and go at almost any hour, without arousing any suspicion of the wrong sort. She had to be careful, however, to at least put on a mask pf propriety. Act as though there actually [i]was[/i] something to hide. Sneak in late, leave the house early, and always create a believable excuse so her father could discover her planted rumors on his own. It would have been quite an exhausting chore for most, but for her it was simply another piece in the never-ending game of stones they played. Except her father didn't even realize he was playing. Closing the door behind her, she turned to those who had already gathered in the room, nodding to Hawk as she took her seat at the table. Her gaze then swept to regard the others. "I take it you all slept well?" Her eyes fixed pointedly on Solomon. "How did you find the beds?" There was a slight emphasis on the plurality of the last word. "Comfortable, I hope. I myself have never stayed a night in the accommodations Hawk provides, but I've heard they are always quite well furnished. I've even heard it said that the chairs themselves are soft enough to sleep in."