"Oh no thank-"Rose began to reply when a mumble filled her ear, making her pause. "Go on - before your friend scoffs everything," The woman joined them, walking past her, looking as hung over as her mom used to back when her father left. Rose could guess that overusing the power could take a lot out of someone. Rose ran a hand through her disheveled blonde hair with a sigh. She felt as if the woman looked at them with contempt. "Sure I'll have a slice. Thanks." She tentatively took a piece of the toast and sat down with it. She had to admit the warm and crunchy texture of the bread was comforting after being drenched by the ice-cold rain "I told my mom that I was at the library." She replied to the woman's question. "But I'm going to be completely honest with you here. I really don't want to get involved with anything too eventful. I've had enough excitement for a while I think I'm going to go back to teenager slash closet mutant once we're done here."