[center][img]http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/Roleplays/Girls/PinkRoseSong600502355_zpsde5dbb07.jpg[/img] VALANCY MORGANA MANCINI 52 years old 02/02/1093 Valancy, or when she was known as Morgana, was born and raised in The Under. Her parents were descendants from criminals who had been banished there, and for the first half of her life, The Under was all that she knew. As a teenager, she studied under a skilled healer who had been banished to The Under for reason's unknown, and later used what she learnt by tending to the fighters of the Colosseum after their fights. It was here that she met Seraphion and Blanchenfleur and they told her about the resistance they had going on. She ended up leaving her healing position at the Colosseum to join their movement, but she wasn't skilled in spell casting or combat, so wasn't much help. But one day, Seraphion offered to send her on a special assignment; to watch over the Mancini family, who had great ties with the Royal family. And the only way to do that was to get one of them to fall in love with her. At first, they set their sights on Valtreks Mancini, who was one of Belzeneff's personal Protectors, but decided against it because that would make her more involved when she was only supposed to observe from afar. The second choice was Valdeimos, one of the few Mancini kids who wasn't involved in the Wizard's Council, but after further inspection, they discovered that his personality would cause too much trouble and it would take too long for Morgana to make her way into the family. Finally they agreed on Valencino, who was the Protector to Princess Bellakane, but since she was still young, she didn't pose a threat. Before leaving The Under, Morgana was given a love potion, created by Grigori Brujan, to slip into Valencino's drinks to get him to fall in love with her. The first mission wasn't as successful as she would have hoped, but they managed to exchange names and numbers and became casual acquiescences. After that, Seraphion would arrange it so that they would 'mysteriously' bump into each other on the street or get caught in the rain at the same time and be forced to share an umbrella or some kind of anime scenario like that. Finally, after countless of 'random' run-ins, Morgana finally had the chance to slip the love potion into Valencino's drink and the effects happened almost immediately. Their tender friendship quickly bloomed into romance and they were married in the following months. Seven years have passed since then and Valancy remains by Valencino's side, silently observing him and his family. During these past 7 years, she has been training with her magic, so when the time comes and Seraphion gives his signal, she can take down Valtreks and Valencino. Though their marriage is fake and is one of Seraphion's many tactics, Valancy often finds herself questioning her true motives. She has come to care about Valencino and has stopped giving him the love potion years ago, meaning that he generally loves her for who she is now. And the more time she spends with the Mancini family, the nicer they seem to be. It's up to the point where even she doesn't know where her true allegiance lies what what side she's really on. [hider=Family & Friends] [b]Siblings:[/b] Mori Day [b]Husband:[/b] Valencino Morgen Mancini [b]Lover:[/b] Valhallen Mancini [b]Children:[/b] Via Valhallen - Vastell Mancini [b]In-Laws:[/b] Via Valencino - Valiant Dionte Mancini {father-in-law} Via Valencino - Valyn Dionysus Mancini {mother-in-law} Via Valencino - Valentine Mancini, Valtreks Mancini, Valroya Mancini, Valor Mancini, Valdeimos Mancini, Valhallen Mancini, Illias Valserys de Montesquieu (Mancini), Vallix Mancini, Valerik Mancini, Valente Mancini, Valis Mancini, Valereon Mancini, Valerio Mancini, Valcyon Mancini {brothers-in-law} Via Valencino - Valora Kristabelle Mancini {sister-in-law} Via Valora - Valentiano Kristoforo Mancini (Glenadade) {brother-in-law} Via Illias - Illiana Valorris de Montesquieu {sister-in-law} [b]Nephew & Nieces[/b] : Via Valora Kristabelle & Valentiano Kristoforo Mancini - Valhero Mancini, Valexander Mancini, Valalee Mancini Via Valtreks Mancini & Sofia Amara - Valenna Mancini Via Valroya Mancini & Edel Gwerthwen - Valiance Mancini Via Valroya Mancini & Symphaerie Zylan - Valaiah Mancini Via Valroya Mancini & Ambrosiya Sanna - Valerius Mancini Via Valdeimos Mancini & Raava Rixore - Valrose Mancini [/hider][/center]