[center]Introducing The Spook and The Grizzly Bear --- [i][b]Selk “The Spook” Sarvog[/b][/i] --- [img= http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/244/7/e/druid_wanderer_by_thiago_almeida-d5d8lz5.jpg] --- "[i]Intruders, defilers, vermin. All the same to me. Something to be... dealt with.[/i]" --- [b]Age: [/b] “48” [b]Magic: [/b] [img=http://png-4.vector.me/files/images/4/4/449908/tribal_vector_skull_3_thumb.gif] [u][i]Horror Magic[/i][/u] A twisted offshoot magic that has roots in Illusion Magic. Horror Magic creates an image that reflects the victim’s fears. These illusions are in truth harmless, and are easily overcome if the victim has a semi-strong will. The results of Horror Magic vary from person to person, but it commonly disables people temporarily, with no lasting effects. However, there have been a very few cases in which Horror Magic causes permanent trauma. Horror Magic is very similar to Illusion magic in the respect that the caster is able to determine who sees and hears the magic. Unlike illusion magic, however, Horror Magic has a terribly small range, as it relies on a person’s fears. Many people know horror magic, but each practitioner learns it on their own after knowing at least a little illusion magic. --- [img=http://www.tattooshunt.com/images/62/outstanding-angry-bear-face-tattoo-design.png] [u][i][url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Soul]Animal Soul[/url][/i][/u] Selk was born "knowing" how to use Animal Soul, and he can turn into a bear. --- [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/14/64/b1/1464b1141973a4cab52d9eb99eb83abc.jpg] [u][i]Druid Magic[/i][/u] Thought to have roots in plant magic, and some of the other “natural” magics, Druid Magic is a “recent development”. It does not really [i]do[/i] anything by itself. It is a magic that amplifies other magics, drawing power from, but not draining power from, nature. Druid Magic is most powerful in places untouched by man, where the ebb of nature is almost untouched. It is weakest in places such as cities, where the order of nature has been disrupted greatly. Druid Magic is near impossible to teach, as it is a very subtle magic that remains with a person their entire lives, starting from birth. Most people who are born with Druid Magic are unaware of it their entire life. [b]Magic Level: [/b] A member of the Ragged Brotherhood is not ranked. However, it is worth noting he is one of the founders. [b]History: [/b] Selk Sarvog was once the keeper of a hidden grove, one that remained untouched by the hands of man for ages upon ages. He called himself a Druid, tending to the grove’s needs as if they were his own. He did this for ages, for he believed it was his sacred duty. But, all good things must end, and so the grove was found. Selk tried to defend the grove, using his magic to scare the intruders off. Only, that did not happen. He was driven from his sacred home, and the grove became a hotspot. The intruders tended to it, but it was desecrated. The beauty of the place fled over time, and soon, it was just another structure that desecrated nature. Selk grew angry, and used his Horror Magic to scar the minds of any man or woman he came across.[/center] [hider=Expanded][center]Born to two non-magic using parents, Selk was always looked down upon. He never truly felt at home. He would often leave for days on end, even while young, not returning home for days. His family never noticed, hard to notice when there are twenty children running amuck. He found his peace among the trees near his forest home, among the animals, and the subtle sounds of nature. It was here that Selk “learned” Druid Magic. It was here that he stayed when home was too loud for his quiet tastes. And it was here, that he grew from a boy into a man. As he grew older, Selk found himself at home less and less. Eventually, Selk disappeared altogether, but nobody really noticed, he was always distant. He got a job tending to the gardens of the elderly, always feeling better around them. As time went on, he turned these usually pathetic gardens into beautiful sprawling works of art. He was happy for a time, but the small town he lived in quickly turned into a bustling city. Soon gardens were outdated and tacky, appearing a waste of space to many. And the city just kept expanding. Selk found himself without a job, and for once he realized something that had been staring him in the eye for his entire life. Nature was in danger. Selk left the city with a scowl on his face and the seed of hate in his heart. He wandered for a time, observing the cities he came across. Each seemed to have a disregard for nature. And this angered him. While there weren’t many cities he came across, each one offended him. He decided to not let this trespassing go unpunished, and set out to find a place that he could call “home”. Selk searched for a long while, before finding the perfect grove, untouched by mankind. It was peaceful here, and Selk tended to its needs. Whenever it was threatened with discovery, he would emerge, to scare the intruder off. But this was… harder than it seemed. He lacked pizzazz, and umph. He needed to be spookier. And so, he devoted his time to perfecting his spooking technique. In the time Selk spent among the grove he protected, he learned much about the animals here. But he learned the most about a particular bear. He called this bear Sylla, it was probably a reference to something, but Selk didn't care. The name sounded right. Better than Ursa. But Selk learned much about this bear, calling it a friend. It wasn't really a friend, it was a bear. And bears eat people. It attacked Selk a few times, but all this accomplished was letting Selk learn about it. In time, he began to act like the bear. In time, he began to feel like a bear. And in time, he found himself waking as a bear. It was intimidating. It was exactly what he needed to spook intruders off. And as he became a bear, Sylla didn't mind his presence as much. The two became friends, of a sort. And so, he and Sylla continued to spook intruders off, for it was all they knew how to do. It worked, for a time. Selk donned some spooky robes, complete with branches and lanterns, for when he wasn't a bear. And Sylla did what bears do best: be a bear. But as the vile intruders always have done, they found a way to desecrate his place of rest. They intruded, and this angered him. He spooked these ones like the others. But more came. These ones were in a group. They were Phoenix Wing members, who would surely sympathize with him. But they were investigating reports of spooky figures, scaring people. And so, he and Sylla were forced out of his home after a brief fight, which he barely escaped. His grove was burned in the process, and he had nothing left. Now, Selk would die for his cause. But not today, for there was still much work to be done and he actually liked life. In his anger, Selk took it upon himself to learn magic. He found an illusion magic teacher, and learned. But this proved… not too useful. He changed it, ditching the old illusion magic techniques and adapting them to his needs. He used this new, horrifying, technique to scare the instructor to the point of not requiring payment. It worked. And in time, Selk would come to almost perfect this art. His magic grew ever more powerful, until finally, he put it to the test, scaring off any who dared to intrude. He kept his attire, as it was the only attire he owned. This appearance, combined with the smell of a man who had not bathed since he was the age of six, was frightening enough. But combined with the terrifying images of the dead rising and the trees coughing up corpses, this proved very effective. Selk had become a wanderer once more, but now with renewed purpose. Soon, he settled in a new grove, hidden away. And it was here that he resolved to protect nature by destroying those who would defile it. This included everyone, for the time being. And so he stayed, tending to the grove, horrifying any that intruded. None ever ventured into the heart of the grove, where Selk had proclaimed to be home. The place where he would declare the home of those within the Ragged Brotherhood. And it was here, he resolved that there were others he could convince to join his cause. In his eyes, Selk was doing the right thing. But in the eyes of those who he vowed to destroy, he was not.[/center][/hider] [center][b]Personality: [/b] Selk is a stone serious man, not laughing at many of the jokes that he hears, and often speaking with a stone serious voice. Despite his serious demeanor, he has a soft spot for anti-humor and dark humor, laughing at the occasional dark and anti-jokes. Other than that, he is a sadist that enjoys spooking people. [b]Team Members: [/b][/center] [center]Sylla, the Grizzly Bear Any members of the Ragged Brotherhood [b]Three Strengths: [/b] [b]1. [/b] Selk is proficient in horror magic, being able to spook almost anyone. Almost. [b]2. [/b] Selk has a bear that will help him whenever it can. [b]3. [/b] Selk is a great gardener. [b]Three Weaknesses: [/b] [b]1. [/b] The less plant and animal life around, the less powerful Selk is. [b]2. [/b] Selk’s clothes are rather flammable. [b]3. [/b] Selk’s ideals are zealous, so he is blind to many ideals. [b]Greatest Love: [/b] Nature, and its protection. [b]Motivation: [/b] “[i]To protect nature by destroying those who would defile it.[/i]” [b]Additional Details: [/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2rwxs1gH9w]Spooky[/url][/center] --- [center][i][b]Sylla, the Grizzly Bear[/b][/i] --- [img=http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/grizzly-roberto-bianchi.jpg] --- "[i]Rwaaaar[/i]" --- [b]Age: [/b] 18 [b]History: [/b] Sylla is a grizzly bear that has known Selk since she was a cub. She didn’t like Selk at first, but as time progressed and Selk found himself waking up as a bear on occasion, Sylla treated him as a sort of father figure. Sylla is loyal to Selk, and responds to his commands. And Selk does so likewise. They are the best of friends, and together they’re rather tedious to take down, especially when out in the open and untamed wilderness. Many have joked that Selk and Sylla have a romantic relationship.[/center] [hider=Expanded][center]Sylla, the Grizzly Bear, was born within the forest near Akane Beach. She was a curious cub, and one day strayed too far from her mother. She, being a bear, did what she could to survive. She didn’t do too well, but luckily someone saved her. He was a man that was clearly more comfortable out here than she was. And she was a bear. This man took her to a small grove, and showed her a pond that had fish; mostly salmon. It wasn’t actually a pond. But Sylla didn’t know this, for she was a bear. Her instincts were always present, and she always disliked this man. But he was patient and only fought with Sylla when she tried to eat him. And as time passed, she began to see him as less of a man, and more of a bear. Until one day, she saw a bear in his place. Some days, he would reawake as a human. But eventually he mastered it, and was able to switch freely between these forms. But to Sylla, he was a bear. And she knew that he knew this. Sylla grew fond of Selk, and he seemed to be fond of her. Despite being a bear, she saw Selk as a sort of father figure, and he taught her much. And he gave her salmon. As far as Sylla was concerned, there was no reason not to follow this man. In time, she began to understand him, though she did not understand the language he spoke. Perhaps it was the companionship she felt with Selk. And she knew that he understood her. 18 years later, she remains by his side. Old, but not old to the point of uselessness, Sylla is loyal. She follows Selk’s every order, and will follow him into his death if that is what he wishes. She would give her life to save his, as he would give his life to save hers.[/center][/hider] [center][b]Personality: [/b] Bear-like. Hostile and not very rational. Loyal, but only to Selk. [b]Team Members: [/b] Selk “The Spook” Sarvog [b]Three Strengths: [/b] [b]1. [/b] Thick Hide: Swords and other sharp objects have a hard time penetrating Sylla’s hide. [b]2. [/b] Roar: A bear’s roar is intimidating, and often scares people away. [b]3. [/b] Natural Predator: Sylla hunts for food, and will often share it with Selk. [b]Three Weaknesses: [/b] [b]1. [/b] Flammable: Sylla is flammable due to the grease on her fur. [b]2. [/b] Frowned upon: Sylla isn’t allowed in many public places. [b]3. [/b] Unbearable: Sylla finds bear mace [i]unbearable[/i]. [b]Greatest Love: [/b] Salmon. (Selk too, I guess.) [b]Motivation: [/b] Salmon, and the promise of salmon. (The promise of restoring nature too, I guess.) [b]Additional Details:[/b] “Salmon /ˈsæmən/ is the common name for several species of fish in the family Salmonidae. Other fish in the same family include trout, char, grayling and whitefish. Various species of salmon display anadromous life strategies while others display freshwater resident life strategies. Salmon are native to tributaries of the North Atlantic (genusSalmo) and Pacific Ocean (genus Oncorhynchus). Many species of salmon have been introduced into non-native environments such as the Great Lakes of North America and Patagonia in South America. Salmon are intensively produced in aquaculture in many parts of the world.” -[u][i][b][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmon]Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [/url][/b][/i][/u][/center] [hider=The First][center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/QLHYF4v.png[/IMG] [img]http://gyazo.com/f0f7744c3b2e29e633d8110e271e7821.png[/img] --- [i]"There will always be those who wish to oppose us, but in the end, only unity will remain."[/i] --- [b]Age:[/b] The First does not give out his age. It can only be assumed that he is somewhat old; his control over, and understanding of magic is something that indicates this. [b]Magic:[/b] [u][url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Telekinesis]Telekinesis[/url][/u] [u][url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Nullification_Magic]Nullification Magic[/url][/u] The First activates his nullification magic from the mind, intensely concentrating on the magical energy he nullifies. [u][url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Telepathy]Telepathy[/url][/u] The First uses this magic to communicate with the Executioners, and Selk Sarvog. He sometimes connects the thoughts of all of these people at a time, for group conferences and battle planning. [u][url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Jutsu_Shiki]Jutsu Shiki[/url][/u] The First has an innate understanding of Jutsu Shiki, and is able to create traps which seal opponents within the runes until they fulfill the rules set within said runes. These runes are normally placed in places where The First normally is, giving him an advantage in places where he normally stays. One of his most common traps is known as the Void Zone, where magic which can be used for offence cannot be used by an opponent, if it is used, then a powerful arcane shock is delivered to the user of said magic, which will persist for as long as the person uses their magic in that area. This renders many magic users useless, as if a person is willing to be shocked by the arcane energy, The First can still nullify it with his own magic, which is not counted as offensive. [b]Magic Level:[/b] Being the leader of the Ragged Brotherhood, The First can be assumed to be somewhat powerful; as he would be above the Executioners of the Ragged Brotherhood. --- [b]History:[/b] The First: a name that strikes terror into the hearts of many, and hope into the hearts of few. He was not always known as The First, but he has since abandoned his old name. For this name was filthy, like the magic users who cast it upon him. The First was born with a few “setbacks”, being born shorter than the average man, and with dulled senses. He could not feel the things he touched, and his eyesight was poor. As life went on, The First grew, but not by much. It was hard to live, for The First had a hard time staying upright and what not. His eyes were practically useless. He was tended to by his mother, whom loved him very much. But this made The First bitter and stubborn. He wanted to live. He wanted to do things for himself. Alas he could not. He was cursed to a life of bedrest and damnation. His only saving grace was the fact that he could cast some primitive forms of magic. When he was alone, The First would cry. This was no way to live. His tears made him feel better, stronger. But this was just the first steps of mastering tear magic. As he withered in bed, he began to actually do things with his tears, and when the time was ripe, and he had learned a few tricks, he stood up. This time without falling. This was no special blessing, as he could still hardly see. The First, would wander within the darkness, bumping into things that should be easily avoided. He cried less, and felt himself become weaker and weaker. Eventually, he stopped crying altogether, and he collapsed. As he cried from the sudden shock, he stood once more. Tear Magic, was the conclusion his mother came to. As time progressed further, The First found himself able to see, barely. His structure filled out, and his mind became sharp. With time, he no longer needed to cry to stand upright on his own. With even more time, he found himself much bigger than his mother, and even his father, whom he held no special opinion towards. But The First felt wronged. Whose fault was it that he was born with setbacks? Whose fault was it that he missed out on a childhood? It was theirs. They were responsible, and he knew this deep down inside. It was a lie, truly, but The First felt wronged. He was bitter, stubborn, and angry. The First held nothing but malice for his parents. They had not wronged him, but he felt they had. He felt that they had… restricted him too much. He had missed out on a proper childhood. He had not had the opportunity to learn, he could not read, he could not write. He blamed his parents, whom had not known enough magic to help him in any way. They disgusted him. They were useless in his eyes. So, he left without a word. His mother mourned, his father hardly noticed. But The First vowed to learn. So, that was what he did. He learned much. His now large form made him strong, so those that angered him did not remain a problem much longer. The First traveled to many place, learning different forms of magic at each. With time, he became strong. He easily outclassed his peers and found himself able to read and write. But the more he learned, the more he found the world to be a vile disgusting place. Many people spoke rather fondly of Phoenix Wing, which befuddled The First. To him, they seemed… corrupt and vile. Disgusting creatures to be blotted out like flames. They reminded him of his parents. They seemed to restrict others, at least in his eyes. But this is through the eyes of a man who was born nearly blind. The First’s mind was corrupted by his bitterness. The First needed to learn, but he had devoted his time to learning magic. Each magic user, to him, seemed greedy. He believed they each withheld information, not just from him, but from everyone. Many required payment, while those who did not, taught little. The First believed information had to be free, so it did not take as long for others, as it had for him to learn. He continued to learn, but as he learned more, he realized he had known much already. So, he returned home, for it was all he had thought to do. When he returned, it was with knowledge. But he still lacked the ability to see from the eyes of his mother. One thing led to another, he called her a filthy magic user, and proceeded to kill her in a very violent manner. He did the same to his father, because his father had done nothing for him in his life. It took a long while for The First to realize what he had done. Few knew his face, and he preferred to keep it that way. Donning a mask and a cloak, he departed. He learned a few more tricks, but a few things still eluded him. He sought these isolated corners out, learning what he could. It took a long while before he heard of “Druid Magic” which could only be taught by a very few; and it took even longer for him to find one who had known this. He tracked this man, using local tales, and intruded this man’s home. He was assaulted by horrifying images, which he quickly nullified. When he was no longer being assaulted by these terrible images, he found a bear at his throat. He tried to mutter something, but found himself unable. The man had spooked him, but not hard enough. He managed to let a request escape, and the bear was called off. The man taught him what he could, which was limited to horror magic, and delivered to The First some disappointing news: Druid Magic is not so easily taught. The First stayed with the man, Selk, and they conversed for a time. The man had goals, much different than his own, but he saw an opportunity. If they joined forces, they could knock out two birds with one stone. Selk, liked this idea, and agreed. They decided to found the Ragged Brotherhood, which would unite all mages under one common banner, and The First promised Selk that they would help to “restore nature”. This was not a lie, but it was far from the truth. The First cared little about nature, or this man. But this man was skilled in the few magics he knew, and could be used to draw others to his cause. [b]Personality:[/b] The First is calm, calculating and confident in his abilities as a leader. His views and orders are absolute, and he expects the members of the Ragged Brotherhood to understand this. He is a tactician, and goes over many scenarios in his head in order to choose a path which provides the highest chance of victory. Those who are not in the Ragged Brotherhood are simply pawns to him, and he does not mind destroying these pawns to further his goals and ideals. [b]Team Members:[/b] In the [i]extremely[/i] rare occasion that The First engages in combat, he is normally accompanied by the Executioners and Selk Sarvog. Otherwise, he fights alone. [b]Three Strengths:[/b] 1. He can force magic-users to fight on his terms with both Nullification Magic and Jutsu Shiki. 2. His ability to plan and prepare with his Jutsu Shiki. 3. Leadership skills. 4. Expert Hand to Hand Combatant 5. Enhanced Durability [b]Three Weaknesses:[/b] 1. If you do not use magic, then the Nullification Magic will have no effect. 2. Unpredictability/General stupidity 3. You could just not pursue him in an attempt to fight, as trying to reach him will likely result in you being captured. [b]Greatest Love:[/b] His motivation. [b]Motivation:[/b] To unite all magic users under the banner of the Ragged Brotherhood. [b]Additional Details:[/b] The First is a character controlled by Ostarion, SilverDawn, and I. [/center][/hider]