'[quote=Daemyn Sterk] At the words "I wouldn't mind killing either one", Sabin's ears perked up. Did he just threaten to kill members of the NCR military? Who did he think he was? Immediately stomping over to the man, Sabin went up close and stuck his finger in the man's face. "You won't touch any NCR soldiers, ya hear? You ain't nothin', and you wouldn' stand a chance against even the rookiest of soldiers, you're nothing! If you continue to make threats on the New California Republic, I won't hesitate to shoot you righ' 'ere and now, ya got it?" No one would be hurting any NCR soldiers, not with Sabin on the case. [/quote] 'Kid.' Dallas said, lifting himself up. He walked over to Sabin, and placed a hand on his shoulder. 'Just stop.' He said sternly, his cold blue eyes staring directly down at Sabin. 'You're making a complete fucking ass of yourself. Just let him be.' He looked at Javier, giving a nod. 'Maybe he won't kill and NCR trooper.' Dallas said, taking his hand of his shoulder. He turned around and walked back to the wall he was leaning on, placing his back on it. Sure, Sabin was just a teenager. But he was acting like a child. This wasn't NCR behaviour, this was childish, arrogant 5 year old behaviour. 'He's going to get himself killed if he acts like this the whole time.' Dallas muttered. He was almost, disappointed in Sabin for what he's saying. He's ashamed that an NCR trooper would act like that.