As Sabin was bombarded by three different people basically telling him to lay off, he turned around to face them. Why the hell were they turning on him, that ass behind him was the one that had threatened to kill NCR soldiers! Sabin voiced just that. "What the hell're you all talkin' abou'? He's the fuck tha' said he wouldn' min' killing a bunch of NCR soldiers! He thinks he's all big and bad, I was jus' tellin' him that 'e wasn't! You all migh' be afraid to stan' up for what ya believe in, but I ain't. I'm jus' 'ere to make sure that no citizen or NCR soldiers are 'urt from any of ya, and that's exactly what I was just doing! I expect better from you all, definitely you!" Sabin would say, pointing his finger towards Dallas, "Shame on ya for not standin' up for your fellow soldiers! I could take all of y'all right now, it ain't nothin'!" Sabin didn't know why they were going against him for standing up for his fellow soldiers, that's his job as a damned soldier.