Silver looked at Callan once she fell asleep once more and couldn't help but laugh softly to herself, it was cute to her letting the elder twin sleep in her lap. "Shes like a log right now, I don't think she will move anytime soon until the morning." Silver said looking to Omri and smiled. "I wouldn't leave her side either even if she called me nasty names or even hurt me. And I wouldn't leave you guys behind either." Silver reached over towards the water bottle taking a sip of it and handed it over to Omri offering her a drink. "I think it would be best we take her with us, I want us to travel in a group if two of us stay behind and they find us then we will die we are stronger as a group even if one of us is hurt." Silver looked out towards the small opening seeing the moon shining through the underground cave they were in which was relaxing. "Yeah the Gamemakers will probably try and kill us when we least expect it, they don't play favorites they just want someone to win and punish us in the games." Then there was a small beeping sound Silver could see something flying through the air and getting caught in between the small opening in the wall. Silver slowly got up while keeping Callan close to her and grabbed the small container and opened it up to see a small container of ointment with a note attached to it saying. "To my girls apply to any wounds. From Mom." Silver then opened it smelling the foul ointment but knew what it was.