[quote=Caits] Expolar, if you see anything wrong with the application, don't hesitate to mention them, because I might have missed it! [/quote] Don't worry, I'll share what I see and do some posts on the OOC on any updates. But I do want to say that these character sheets do look interesting and will be a fun read through all the work you guys put in to you CSs. And from the ones that I have briefly read through, their pretty cool, especially their magics. Just please DO NOT abuse your magics because some I almost dropped the OP Hammer until I had to really to reread them to actually imagine how it would work in the RP and accepted them at the end, like the Jutsu Shiki magic that The First knows. Also from what I read from the founders' CSs, they don't really like Phoenix, so can't wait to see how this plays out in the future, but I should also mention that Magic Guilds are somewhat new since, from the first post explaining the Background of the RP's history, magic had a tremendous decrease a hundred years ago, but now it's growing back up as well as actual new guilds being built, but guilds are still quite new being a couple of years (This current year should be X891 if I'm right) and that there is a Magic Management Council making sure that magic and guilds aren't being trouble making or worse. (This part came after reading Ostarion post of the guild, thanks for posting it by the way). Just wanted to mention how much fun I had piecing together the Ragged Brotherhood's ranks and who were in them (though I got a bit confused when I read a Twin Executioner in The First's CS, but now makes sense with the guild's detail post). So... I still got some more to read so more update posts will be continued in the future.