[quote=Expolar] Okay, so I leave for about a day and I return to giant long posts of character applications of some extremely dark twisted very omen like guild that goes by the name of the Ragged Brotherhood that has the creepiest members on the dark and terrifying side (with two guys with Scrub as their first name), especially with their magic that they wield. But anyways, it's a very interesting and cool band of members within this guild that your group made. Sounds quite different then Phoenix Wing and its members. Also I will have to read into more for my own little Co GM accepting (just mention though that since Caits is the head of the thread, you guys are fine to post, I just like thoroughly reading though everything). And it's nice to see some familiar faces in this new guild, I'm looking at you Ostarion, but does this guild have it's own little post coming up that explains it a bit more because I would very much appreciate that, unless I some how missed it which then can you please tell me and mention where it is so I can read up on it please because I would like to see how they relate with Phoenix Wing. [/quote] Well, The Ragged Brotherhood isn't really, known widely. They were silent for a few years, building up their numbers, but now they've kind of... put themselves out there. They've done a few things, but none of them are really news-worthy, so only a few people know of their existence. Of course, with a decent amount of members, there's always a loud mouth. But still, they're on the down-low. Their relationship with Phoenix Wing is something that has yet to actually develop fully, but it is a rather negative relationship. Often times, the Ragged Brotherhood will be in direct conflict with Phoenix Wing, as some of their ideals conflict. Not to mention, The First dislikes Phoenix Wing because he feels that "they are holding people back", though that would be his opinion. Sometimes, but not always, the Ragged Brotherhood will find itself working towards the same goals as Phoenix Wing, but mostly for public appearance. Now, the goals of The Ragged Brotherhood may seem noble in intent, and they are, but The First goes about accomplishing his plans in a rather immoral way. Their goal is "to unite all magic users under one banner", and beyond that, they also seek to expand this to "to unite all people under one banner". The way they go about doing this, however, is usually through force and indoctrination. The Ragged Brotherhood is supposed to be an antagonist guild, but one that has "good intentions". It's also a guild that does not rank their members, because they believe that everyone has the potential to become powerful; to them you can either use magic, or you can't. It's also important to note that many members are taken in at an early age, and are wholly devoted to The Ragged Brotherhood. I can't think of anything else right off the bat, but if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Ostarion/SilverDawn/myself will probably get back to you.