Kyzerin could not help but smile as the wolf's blood sprayed across his face. He loved seeing the look of amazement on his clients face after he proved his ability in battle, as he showed he was not a stereotypical sneaky khajiit. His client on this occasion was an imperial, and a trader, who had hired Kyzerin to kill a pack of wolves who had invaded his camp site, that was located just outside. He had almost turned down the job, the dark cloud on the horizon made him uneasy, but he never could resist a good wolf massacre, and so it wasn't long before he was slicing through their flesh. As his blade punctured the finals wolfs lungs he turned to face his client, who had collected his gear while Kyzerin had fought, and who was already retreating into the tree's. "Where do you think you're going." Kyzerin called out angrily, pulling his blade from the wolfs carcass as he spoke. "I'm leaving now. I suggest you do the same, before you get hurt." The imperial said savagely, in his deep, gruff voice, drawing his own dagger as he spoke. Kyzerin let a small laugh escape his lips at the imperials pitiful attempt to seem intimidating, and he prepared to cast fireball as he approached the imperial. The imperials will broke as Kyzerin drew close, and he began to back away whimpering, dropping his dagger as he did so. "I suggest you give me all your gold, before you get hurt." Kyzerin said barbarically, raising his sword above his head as he did so, and the imperial fell backwards. "I I I don't have any gold." the man blubbered, tears streaming down his face as he attempted to crawl away backwards. The rage had been building up inside Kyzerin ever since he had met this disgusting excuse for an imperial, until finally it exploded out in one violent axe swing. Kyzerin could not get the image of the imperials decapitation out of his mind as he walked up the steep path that led to Kvatch, but the thought did not sadden him, and instead it brought a smile to his face. It was the first time since his return to being a mercenary that he had killed his own client, and he had to admit, he enjoyed it more than he let on. It was annoying that this particular client wasn't lying when he said he didn't have any gold, but he had decided it had been too long since he had committed a good old fashioned murder, and the decapitation was a nice touch, so he didn't really care. He shook all thoughts of murder from his head as a he became aware that the dark cloud was nearing the city, and he increased his pace. "Why are you in a rush?" a guard stationed at the gate asked suspiciously. Kyzerin caught his breath, cursing himself for not slowing enough, and also for not cleaning the blood off his axe, and he considered making a run for it, but decided to try talk his way out of it first. "I'm hoping to get a room before the storm hits." Kyzerin said without stopping, entering the city without waiting for a reply. He considered stopping at The Crazy Horseman, but he didn't feel like beating off the muggers that lived in this part of town, and so he began walking towards the home in which he was renting a room. He had just reached the door when he first heard the screams, starting in the area by the gate, but spreading fast. He sprinted towards the nearest scream, which was coming from a woman he saw at the end of the street. He raced towards them, but just as he arrived a pitch black blade stabbed into the woman's chest, and as the dremora withdrew his blade blood spurted from the wound. The dremora turned to face Kyzerin, "Are you prepared for your death?" it asked in it's cold demonic voice as it stepped towards him, blade held out in front of it. Kyzerin instinctively stepped back as it moved, and a terrible grin spread across it's face "I smell weakness." It said as it lunged towards Kyzerin, which Kyzerin barely managed to block.Kyzerin stepped back, taking a second to think, before stepping forward again, and swinging towards the dremora's head. It blocked the swing easily, but left it's chest open for Kyzerin to fling his flames into, causing the dremora to stumble backwards. "I will feast on your heart." It yelled as it righted itself, before it charged Kyzerin, swinging towards his feet. He jumped backwards to dodge it's swing, stepping forwards before it could raise it's blade and burying his axe into it's head. It fell to the ground, shrieking in it's terrifying voice, and struggling to get back up. It attempted to speak as blood poured from it mouth, and it murmured a threat as it died. Kyzerin looked towards the woman, who lay, unmoving, blood still leaking from her wound. He offered a quick prayer to Arkay before he began to walked away from the bodies, eager to get more daedric blood on his axe.