[quote=Sabin]"What the hell're you all talkin' abou'? He's the fuck tha' said he wouldn' min' killing a bunch of NCR soldiers! He thinks he's all big and bad, I was jus' tellin' him that 'e wasn't! You all migh' be afraid to stan' up for what ya believe in, but I ain't. I'm jus' 'ere to make sure that no citizen or NCR soldiers are 'urt from any of ya, and that's exactly what I was just doing! I expect better from you all, definitely you!"[/quote] Poe made a motion with his eyebrows, indicating the unseen roll of his eyes under his opaque goggles. From almost the moment he had pissed his pants to now, the NCR Trooper had seemingly done absolutely nothing but bitch and moan, and quite frankly Poe was already two cut-off confrontations past his daily tolerance for violence abstinence. With his back to Sabin, Poe calmly drew his plasma defender and dialed the emitter power setting down to the lowest level. [quote=Sabin]"Shame on ya for not standin' up for your fellow soldiers! I could take all of y'all right now, it ain't nothin'!"[/quote] This was when Poe nonchalantly turned and shot Sabin in the back. On its lowest emission setting, the defender's plasma bolt had perhaps the intensity of a shot from a laser rifle, and lacked the cohesion to resist dispersion upon contact with most obstructions. The relatively low power and weak cohesiveness of the bolt meant that even Sabin's shoddy NCR double-layered leather 'armor' would prevent the blob of plasma, glowing a dull orange rather than a bright green due to the difference in intensity, from burning a hole straight through his torso. That didn't mean Sabin was going to get out of the ordeal unscathed, barring some miraculous interception or assisted evasion. Once the bolt made contact, it would undoubtedly burn straight through the leather backplate, with the residual heat burning the fabric of the uniform underneath and in all likelihood, singing a small patch of the young trooper's skin. "I had already had enough of you the minute you set foot in here, and damned if I know how you even gained admission. I already asked earlier, but I'm gonna ask again: [i]Can somebody please tell me what this complete asshat is doing here?[/i]"