As the plasma made contact with the trooper's uniform, it burned through the leather in seconds. Sabin didn't even have a second to react before the plasma had reached his skin, and he howled in pain as his skin started to burn, clawing at his back. What the hell had just happened? Had that goggled wastelander shot him with that damned energy shooter? How could that be, weren't those things supposed to be able to melt a human to goo in seconds? With a start, he realized that the man must of turned the energy output down or something, which means that thing could be much, much more damaging. On his knees now, still reaching at his burning back with one hand, he turned a rage-filled glare towards Poe. Sabin was just about to scream and get violent, when... [quote=AtomicItalian]“Alright, alright, everyone calm the fuck down.” Hayley said, quelling the arguing taking place after the presentation.[/quote] And doing something that he hadn't done since he arrived at this wretched place, Sabin bit back his anger and held his tongue. The dirty wastelander would just gain pleasure off of his reply, and possibly an excuse to kill him, and even more he was compromising his mission with these outbursts. He had to control himself before he ruined this for the NCR, they were depending on him. Pulling himself off the ground and wiping himself off, Sabin instead turned his back to Poe and gingerly felt along his back with his hand, feeling the now singed skin through the hole in his uniform. Sooner or later that dirty wastelander scum would pay for this, for all of it. For ruining his uniform, twice, and for all of the humiliation that he had caused Sabin. Revenge was going to be a sweet, sweet thing. But for now, he just needed to hold his tongue.