Dallas listened into what Hayley said. “Alright. So it’s decided - we’re taking the Green Line. Now, I don’t want any more discussion on the matter. Mr. House is providing rooms here, though if you do prefer to stay elsewhere, feel free, they’re your caps. You got the morning to do any personal supply shopping. We’re meeting inside H&H Tools at noon. Victor will be there to let you in. We’ll take the trolley from there. You don’t show at noon, you don’t come. Oh, and don’t go fucking around the hotel if you’re stickin’ around, the Securitrons patrol 24/7.” Hayley stood, gave a quick salute, and left the room. Dallas nodded, and lifted himself up from the wall. ‘I appreciate the room. But I have enough caps to spare one at the atomic wrangler.’ He said, walking over to the elevator. He pressed the button. ‘See you at noon.’ He said. The elevator soon opened, and he stepped in. --- ‘That’ll be 30 caps.’ Francine Garrett said, leaning on the bar table that separated her from Dallas. Rummaging around in his pocket, Dallas pulled out a small leather bag. ‘All yours.’ Dallas said, pushing the bag to her. Francine opened the bag, and quickly counted the ‘coins’. She split the money into two piles, one with the 30 caps for the room and 10 others. ‘Here’ Francine said, giving Dallas his 10 caps back. ‘Enjoy your stay.’ She said. Just as she turned around, Dallas perched up from his bar stool. ‘Can I get two packs of smoke with this?’ He asked. ‘Yeah, coming right up.’ Francine replied, soon returning with two cigarette packs. Dallas took them and walked off, leaving the 10 caps behind on the counter. --- Dallas lay atop his rented bed, staring right at the ceiling fan, which was moving slowly. He held his picture of Caroline in his right hand, his thumb slowly tracing across her face. He felt tired he hadn’t slept in days. His helmet and his revolver lay on the table, his cowboy repeater resting on the side. Dallas soon began to give into sleep, and just like that, he dosed off… --- Dallas slowly but surely woke up. He lifted his head off the pillow of his bed, and let out a rather large yawn. He lifted himself up, his NCR armor making it hard to do so. But never less, Dallas stood up. He firstly grabbed his weapons, and inspected them. Firstly, his revolver. Dallas gripped it tightly, pointing it down at the floor and up into the air. He luckily had some ammo for this and his repeater, but it wouldn’t be enough at a future point. Dallas didn’t mind, he had his knife with him anyways. Next was his cowboy repeater. Dallas held the thing in his hands. He cocked the gun once, a bullet shell falling out of the gun. He slid the gun into the holster on his back. Finally, Dallas picked his helmet off, sliding onto his head. The lights in the red visor glowed, but kept Dallas’ face concealed. He was ready; he opened the door and walked off. --- Dallas stood outside the New Vegas Strip, looking at the H&H Tools factory, which was just a head of him. He continued his slow pace towards the building, his hands in his pockets. Soon enough, he noticed the same robot from last night wheeled up to him. ‘Howdy Pardner! Fancy seeing you again!’ The robot said. ‘Well, Follow me!’ He obviously didn’t have time for small chatter as he swerved around and guided Dallas inside of the H&H tool building. Dallas decided to do the polite thing and close the door behind him. Like last night, it seemed he was the first one there.