The night proved difficult for the amnesiac. He gingerly crawled onto the bed and laid down, but as a couple hours passed, it began apparent that he wasn't going to fall asleep. Not like this. He kept tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable. The bed was too soft; he felt as though he would sink through at any moment. After a couple hours of this, he finally got up and slunk to the bathroom to wash his face. He pulled the door halfway closed behind him so the light wouldn't wake Kevin. The man bent down and splashed water from the sink to his face. He dried it on one of the white towels and started to head back to the bed. Then he saw the tub; it gave him an idea. He remembered sleeping in some kind of liquid, not on a mattress and sheets. The tub was more closed, long, and once he'd filled it with cold water, closer to home. The man took off his borrowed boxers and got in the tub, stretching out of his back and resting his feet against the far wall. It was cold, wet, and confined, just like he was used to. This time, he actually managed to get some rest. And when he rested, the hallucinations returned. The man awoke to Kevin's voice coming from the doorway. He opened his eyes and shifted to look up at him, mildly confused and slightly dazed. It took a moment to remember how he'd gotten here. He silently crawled out of the tub and dried himself off, then put his boxers back on. He didn't say anything as Kevin left; he was too distracted. While he was asleep, he'd remembered something quite disturbing. He debated whether or not he should tell the other man. When Kevin returned, he was sitting on the bed, watching the door. He jumped slightly when it opened to his new roommate. "Yes," He said quietly, answering Kevin's question. He remained silent for a few moments, then decided it was best to get this thing off his chest. "I remembered something while I was asleep, in a hallucination." He called them that because he had no concept of dreams; he wasn't supposed to dream. "I was in a room with a man, he was sitting at a desk. I think he was important. He was telling me about something I had to do: go find this scientist woman and bring her back to get some kind of formula for her. He said he would use it to create an army of mutants." The man looked at Kevin with what could only be regret. "I think I've already done it."